Good Morning Currently I am working on a job portal by the use of Laravel 8.

The idea: I want to show the applicants the status of each job (they applied on). so for example: Engineer (as position) when applicant applied in it. The application reach to admin can who can reject him or waiting listing listing him or accept him .

what I did : I created a new attribute in jobapplicaton table in (db) where all applied jobs_ids and user_id are linked and stored once they applied. this attribute is "status" and has a default value of "applied". The user can see first "applied" only. and admin have a chance to update "applied" to "reject" /waiting list or accept .

My code:Schema:

Schema::create('job_applications', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id');
$table->unsignedBigInteger('cv_id'); $table->unsignedBigInteger('job_id'); $table->string('status')->default('applied')->change(); $table->timestamps();

controller: update methods:

public function update( Request $request, $id){ 
$job = job::with('applications.applicant')->find($id);
 $status->status = $request->input('status');
 return view('overview.showcandi',compact( 'job'));


admin view:(only the form)

$job])}}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {{ csrf_field() }} {!! Form::select('status', array('1' => 'rejected', '0' => 'applied'), '0'); !!} <input type="submit" value="submit" />

Uservview:(showing zero value, but the default value is "applied" I dont know why ) that why i wrote like that

                                @if ($job->status==0)
                                {{ __('applied')}}
                                {{ __('$job->status')}}

the error: when the admin wants to change the status and click on submit the code gives me the following error

Creating default object from empty value I think the code is readin status as null although it is value in db is applied so how can I update the status now.

what I did : I created a new attribute in jobapplicaton table in (db) where all applied jobs_ids and user_id are linked and stored once they applied. this attribute is "status" and has a default value of "applied". The user can see first "applied" only. and admin have a chance to update "applied" to "reject" /waiting list or accept .

1 Answer 1



you are trying to update object that are not exist ($status->status) may be your writing mistake please review them

public function update( Request $request, $id){ 
$job = job::with('applications.applicant')->find($id);
 $job ->status = $request->input('status');
 return view('overview.showcandi',compact( 'job'));


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