I have some semantic UI tabs set up in my app.component.html like this:

<div class = "ui container">

  <div style = "background-color: rgb(194, 221, 240);" class="ui top attached tabular menu">
    <a style = "font-size: large;" class="item active" data-tab="dtQuestions">Questions</a>
    <a style = "font-size: large;" class="item" data-tab="dtAddNewQuestion">Add new question</a>
    <a style = "font-size: large;" class="right item" data-tab="dtUserProfile">User profile</a>

  <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment active" data-tab="dtQuestions">
    <app-question-list [questions]="questions"></app-question-list>

  <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="dtAddNewQuestion">
    <app-create-question (questionCreated)="onQuestionCreated($event)"></app-create-question>

  <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="dtUserProfile">

The tabs seem not to show when i first open the page, and are empty, but when i click on the specific tab the content seems to start showing one by one as if it needs time to load but only after i click on that specific tab, if I don't do that nothing shows, and I would like to see the contenst on initialization (immediately when i open the page on the tab that's set to beeing active first)

I instantiated the tabs in app.component.ts like this

export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
 ngOnInit(): void {
    $('.menu .item').tab();

  public onQuestionCreated(question: Question): void {

Wrote the above and i can't seem to work out how to fix the problem

1 Answer 1


I never worked with Semantic UI before, but can you try to remove "right" from the class in "User Profile" as shown below

<a style = "font-size: large;" class="item" data-tab="dtUserProfile">User profile</a>

Also looking at the docs I found out that the class for the active tab should be as shown below

<div class="ui bottom attached active tab segment" data-tab="dtQuestions">
    <app-question-list [questions]="questions"></app-question-list>

Hope any of the above two options helps.

  • I've tried that now but the same applies, the content of the tab segment isn't shown until i click on that specific tabs, they seem to have no content when first opened, but i have to click on it even when i've specified it's and active tab Commented Nov 29, 2022 at 9:29

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