
I'm having problem trying to edit/update my product page which has multiple images using php prepared statement. if i have only one image in the image field it will update and unlink the oldimage successfully but since i have added 4(four) more images, updating this images is giving me tough time. Please can someone correct me where i'm wrong on this?


Here is the code i used to insert product to database

    include 'admin_config.php';

    if (isset($_POST['view'])) {

      $id           = $_POST['id'];
      $title        = $_POST['title'];
      $make         = $_POST['make'];
      $model        = $_POST['model'];
      $price        = $_POST['price'];
      $loc          = $_POST['loc'];
      $yr           = $_POST['yr'];
      $condi        = $_POST['condi'];
      $trans        = $_POST['trans'];
      $mileage      = $_POST['mileage'];
      $isfeatured   = $_POST['isfeatured'];
      $wheel        = $_POST['wheel'];
      $details      = $_POST['details'];






      // form validation: ensure that the form is correctly filled
      $sql = "INSERT INTO vehicle     (id,title,make,model,price,loc,yr,condi,trans,mileage,isfeatured,wheel,details,photo,photo2,photo3,photo4,photo5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $upload);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image2']['tmp_name'], $upload2);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image3']['tmp_name'], $upload3);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image4']['tmp_name'], $upload4);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image5']['tmp_name'], $upload5);

    $_SESSION['message'] = "Vehicle Added Successfully!"; 


    <section class="section">
      <div class="row">

        <div class="col-lg-12">

          <?php include ('message.php'); ?>

            <div class="card">
              <div class="card-body">
                <a href="add_property.php" class="btn btn-primary m-3" width="200px" >Add New Vehicle</a>

                <!-- No Labels Form -->
                  <form action="./add_vehicle.php" method="POST" class="row g-3" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="title" class="form-label">Title</label>
                        <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="make" class="form-label">Make</label>
                        <input type="text" name="make" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="model" class="form-label">Model</label>
                        <input type="text" name="model" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="price" class="form-label">Price</label>
                        <input type="text" name="price" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="loc" class="form-label">Location</label>
                        <input type="text" name="loc" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="yr" class="form-label">Year</label>
                        <input type="text" name="yr" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="condi" class="form-label">Condition</label>
                        <select id="inputState" name="condi" class="form-select">
                            <option selected disabled value="">Select Condition</option>
                            <option value="New">New</option>
                            <option value="Foreign Used">Foreign Used</option>
                            <option value="Nigeria Used">Nigeria Used</option>

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="trans" class="form-label">Transmission</label>
                        <select id="inputState" name="trans" class="form-select">
                            <option selected disabled value="">Select Transmission</option>
                            <option value="Automatic">Automatic</option>
                            <option value="Manual">Manual</option>

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="mileage" class="form-label">Mileage</label>
                        <input type="text" name="mileage" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="isfeatured" class="form-label">isFeatured</label>
                        <select id="inputState" name="isfeatured" class="form-select">
                            <option selected disabled value="">Select isFeature</option>
                            <option value="1">Yes</option>
                            <option value="0">No</option>

                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label for="wheel" class="form-label">Wheel</label>
                        <input type="text" name="wheel" class="form-control">

                    <div class="col-md-12">
                        <label for="details" class="form-label">Description</label>
                        <textarea id="default" class="form-control" rows="8" name="details"></textarea>

                    <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                        <label for="customFile" class="form-label">Photo</label>
                        <input type="file" name="image" class="custom-file">

                    <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                        <label for="customFile" class="form-label">Photo2</label>
                        <input type="file" name="image2" class="custom-file">

                    <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                        <label for="customFile" class="form-label">Photo3</label>
                        <input type="file" name="image3" class="custom-file">

                    <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                        <label for="customFile" class="form-label">Photo4</label>
                        <input type="file" name="image4" class="custom-file">

                    <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                        <label for="customFile" class="form-label">Photo5</label>
                        <input type="file" name="image5" class="custom-file">

                    <div class="text-center">
                        <input type="submit" name="view" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="Add Product">
                        <input type="reset" name="clear" class="btn btn-secondary btn-block" value="Reset Product">
                  <!-- End No Labels Form -->




  </main><!-- End #main -->



include 'admin_config.php';

$id           = '';
$title        = '';
$make         = '';
$model        = '';
$price        = '';
$loc          = '';
$yr           = '';
$condi        = '';
$trans        = '';
$mileage      = '';
$isfeatured   = '';
$wheel        = '';
$details      = '';
$photo        = '';
$photo2        = '';
$photo3        = '';
$photo4        = '';
$photo5        = '';

if(isset($_GET['id'])) {

$sql="SELECT * FROM vehicle WHERE id=?";
$stmt->bind_param("i", $id);

$id           = $row['id'];
$title        = $row['title'];
$make         = $row['make'];
$model        = $row['model'];
$price        = $row['price'];
$loc          = $row['loc'];
$yr           = $row['yr'];
$condi        = $row['condi'];
$trans        = $row['trans'];
$mileage      = $row['mileage'];
$isfeatured   = $row['isfeatured'];
$wheel        = $row['wheel'];
$details      = $row['details'];
$photo        = $row['photo'];  
$photo2        = $row['photo2']; 
$photo3        = $row['photo3']; 
$photo4        = $row['photo4']; 
$photo5        = $row['photo5'];  


if (isset($_POST['update'])) {

$id           = $_POST['id'];
$title        = $_POST['title'];
$make         = $_POST['make'];
$model        = $_POST['model'];
$price        = $_POST['price'];
$loc          = $_POST['loc'];
$yr           = $_POST['yr'];
$condi        = $_POST['condi'];
$trans        = $_POST['trans'];
$mileage      = $_POST['mileage'];
$isfeatured   = $_POST['isfeatured'];
$wheel        = $_POST['wheel'];
$details      = $_POST['details'];
$oldimage     = $_POST['oldimage'];
$oldimage2     = $_POST['oldimage2'];
$oldimage3     = $_POST['oldimage3'];
$oldimage4     = $_POST['oldimage4'];
$oldimage5     = $_POST['oldimage5'];

 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newimage);
 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image2']['tmp_name2'], $newimage2);
 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newimage3);
 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image4']['tmp_name4'], $newimage4);
 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image5']['tmp_name5'], $newimage5);

 // form validation: ensure that the form is correctly filled
 $sql = "UPDATE vehicle SET title=?,make=?,model=?,price=?,loc=?,yr=?,condi=?,trans=?,mileage=?,isfeatured=?,
wheel=?,details=?,photo=?,photo2=?,photo3=?,photo4=?,photo5=? WHERE id=?";

  $_SESSION['message'] = "Vehicle Updated Successfully!"; 



<section class="section">
  <div class="row">

    <div class="col-lg-12">

      <?php include ('message.php'); ?>

        <div class="card">
          <div class="card-body">
            <a href="edit_vehicle.php" class="btn btn-primary m-3" width="200px" >Add New Vehicle</a>

              <!-- No Labels Form -->
              <form action="./edit_vehicle.php" method="POST" class="row g-3" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="title" class="form-label">Title</label>
                    <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" value="<?=$title; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="make" class="form-label">Make</label>
                    <input type="text" name="make" class="form-control" value="<?=$make; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="model" class="form-label">Model</label>
                    <input type="text" name="model" class="form-control" value="<?=$model; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="price" class="form-label">Price</label>
                    <input type="text" name="price" class="form-control" value="<?=$price; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="loc" class="form-label">Location</label>
                    <input type="text" name="loc" class="form-control" value="<?=$loc; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="yr" class="form-label">Year</label>
                    <input type="text" name="yr" class="form-control" value="<?=$yr; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="condi" class="form-label">Condition</label>
                    <input type="text" name="condi" class="form-control" value="<?=$condi; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="trans" class="form-label">Transmission</label>
                    <input type="text" name="trans" class="form-control" value="<?=$trans; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="mileage" class="form-label">Mileage</label>
                    <input type="text" name="mileage" class="form-control" value="<?=$mileage; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="isfeatured" class="form-label">isFeatured</label>
                    <input type="text" name="isfeatured" class="form-control" value="<?=$isfeatured; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <label for="wheel" class="form-label">Wheel</label>
                    <input type="text" name="wheel" class="form-control" value="<?=$wheel; ?>">

                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <label for="details" class="form-label">Description</label>
                    <textarea id="default" class="form-control" rows="8"><?=$details; ?></textarea>

                <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                    <input type="hidden" name="oldimage" value="<?= $photo; ?>">
                    <input type="file" name="image" class="custom-file">
                    <img src="<?= $photo; ?>" width="150" class="img-thumbnail">

                <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                    <input type="hidden" name="oldimage2" value="<?= $photo2; ?>">
                    <input type="file" name="image2" class="custom-file">
                    <img src="<?= $photo2; ?>" width="150" class="img-thumbnail">

                <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                    <input type="hidden" name="oldimage3" value="<?= $photo3; ?>">
                    <input type="file" name="image3" class="custom-file">
                    <img src="<?= $photo3; ?>" width="150" class="img-thumbnail">

                <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                    <input type="hidden" name="oldimage4" value="<?= $photo4; ?>">
                    <input type="file" name="image4" class="custom-file">
                    <img src="<?= $photo4; ?>" width="150" class="img-thumbnail">

                <div class="col-md-6 justify-content-center">
                    <input type="hidden" name="oldimage5" value="<?= $photo5; ?>">
                    <input type="file" name="image5" class="custom-file">
                    <img src="<?= $photo5; ?>" width="150" class="img-thumbnail">

                <div class="text-center">
                    <input type="submit" name="update" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="Update Vehicle">
                    <input type="reset" name="clear" class="btn btn-secondary btn-block" value="Reset Vehicle">
              <!-- End No Labels Form -->


  • Don't you think you included too much code?
    – Dharman
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:00
  • 1
    FYI you can combine isset($variable) and $variable != '' into if (!empty($variable))
    – Barmar
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:01
  • 1
    $_FILES['image3']['name3'] should be $_FILES['image3']['name'] and similarly for all the other files.
    – Barmar
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:02
  • Ok Barmar, i'll do just that. Thanks
    – Abuchi
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:07

1 Answer 1


The else block is only connected to the last if block for image5.

Each if statement for an image should have its own else to set the corresponding $newimageX to $oldimageX.

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newimage);
} else {
    $newimage = $oldimage;

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image2']['tmp_name'], $newimage2);
} else {
    $newimage2 = $oldimage2;

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newimage3);
} else {
    $newimage3 = $oldimage3;

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image4']['tmp_name'], $newimage4);
} else {
    $newimage4 = $oldimage4;

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image5']['tmp_name'], $newimage5);
} else {
    $newimage5 = $oldimage5;
  • Thank alot but when i edited and submit, i can't find it in the database.....seems i made a mistake somewhere
    – Abuchi
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:21
  • There was too much code for me to wade through, this was the only part that seemed obviously wrong.
    – Barmar
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:23
  • Thanks so much Barmar, it's just that when i edit and submit it disappeared from the database but i really appreciate it that you'd identified my problem. i'm cross-checking to discover why it's not submitting to database after editing.
    – Abuchi
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 22:36
  • You should enable mysqli error reporting. See stackoverflow.com/questions/22662488/…
    – Barmar
    Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 23:49
  • Thanks so much but after adding the error reporting, it's displaying this error message (Warning: unlink(): Invalid argument in ......) across all the lines i used unlink(oldimage); Please do you have any idea what this error mean? Warning: unlink(): Invalid argument
    – Abuchi
    Commented Jan 27, 2023 at 9:14

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