As the title said How to change reCAPTCHA v2 Image challenge to reCAPTCHA v2 Text challenge.

I have a project that I want to change the captcha from Image to input text. How do I do that? My project using Moodle.

I've only tried adding reCAPTCHA to my moodle project and it work but the captcha is image challenge I want to change it to input text or number challenge.

  • 1
    I can see no indication in the documentation anywhere, that would suggest that that was even an available option with reCAPTCHA v2.
    – CBroe
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 8:56

1 Answer 1


I can't see a text or image option for reCaptcha - is it Google reCaptcha or another provider?


The documentation says there is a "I'm a not a robot" checkbox or an invisible background check


enter image description here

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