I have created a dialog component in react using MUI library. I am working on WCAG 2.0 integration and testing the component in Chrome + JAWS.

No role "dialog" is announced by the screen reader software JAWS when dialog appears in the screen while it is working fine as expected in Safari + VO.

I tried my things but there is no clue of how to fix this. Below is a sample codesandbox url of the same.


I am using chrome (v115.x.x.x) and JAWS 2022.

  • I have an older version of JAWS 2020 but it works ok in Chrome 115 for me. It says, ""Modal title close, dialog; close, heading level 2, Button; To activate press Enter". Hopefully it's not a regression with JAWS 2022. Do you hear the same thing but without the "dialog" role announced? Can you post exactly what JAWS says? Side note: it's a little unusual to have your X-close button embedded in your <h2>. Commented Aug 20, 2023 at 16:37
  • It announces as per expectation except dialog role. And you are correct the button element wouldn't be inside h2 element. Above sandbox link was just for reference in the question. Commented Aug 23, 2023 at 10:20