How to change an object property using the ChromeDevTools?

I ran the following code on nodejs with debugger support:

function test() {
    var obj = {
        "my_prop": 1
    return obj; // <- breakpoint here

while (true) {

Then, I connected with the ChromeDevTools client. Set breakpoint on line 5 (return obj) and received the "Debugger.paused" event, in which I am trying to change the "my_prop" property of the "obj" object using Debugger.setVariableValue like the following code:

var frame = e.CallFrames[0];

var eval = await session.SendAsync(new Debugger.EvaluateOnCallFrameCommand
    CallFrameId = frame.CallFrameId,
    ReturnByValue = false,
    Timeout = 10000,
    GeneratePreview = true,
    IncludeCommandLineAPI = true,
    Silent = true,
    ThrowOnSideEffect = true,
    Expression = "obj"

var objectId = eval.Result.Result.ObjectId;

var set = await session.SendAsync(new Debugger.SetVariableValueCommand
    CallFrameId = frame.CallFrameId,
    ScopeNumber = 0,
    VariableName = "my_prop",
    NewValue = new Runtime.CallArgument
        ObjectId = objectId,
        Value = 900,
        UnserializableValue = "900"


But I get the error '-32603: Internal error'

The local variable is changed successfully using this code

Can anyone tell me where my mistake is?


I missed an important comment: "Object-based scopes are not supported"

I managed to make the necessary assignment through the Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame:

var eval = await session.SendAsync(new EvaluateOnCallFrameCommand
    CallFrameId = frame.CallFrameId,
    ReturnByValue = true,
    Timeout = 10000,
    GeneratePreview = true,
    IncludeCommandLineAPI = true,
    Silent = true,
    ThrowOnSideEffect = false, <- must be false
    Expression = "obj.my_prop=100"

before that, the selected property was true and I got an error when calling this function, so I decided that I should use Debugger.setVariableValue

  • The documentation says "Object-based scopes are not supported" i.e. you need to use js code with Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame.
    – woxxom
    Commented Aug 31, 2023 at 7:01
  • thank you so much, you pointed out that I did not use this method correctly and this allowed me to switch to other approaches
    – Norem
    Commented Sep 1, 2023 at 1:33