I am looking for help with what appears to be a WP Bootstrap Loader compatibility problem across many WordPress plugins. Sadly my developer is super busy and tough to get hold of which I respect but I am trying my hardest to find a way to add some features to my site (using my staging site that I built which is a direct replica of the production site). Right now I am trying to build a photo gallery using 10web plugin and will also want to use their mailchimp, formmaker and a few other plugins. Problem is that none of the plugins work, not even other plugins by other developers like NextGen Gallery. I posted for support here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/10web-photo-gallery-broken-when-using-wp-bootstrap-starter-theme/ and also researched many posts in this group including this one https://wp-customerarea.com/documentation/user-guides/resolving-bootstrap-conflicts/ and none of it is helping. Any clues and if WP Bootstrapper Loader causes so many conflicts then I have to ask is this the right 'theme' for me and my website if I want to have some independence and less reliability on my already stretched thin but awesome developer?

Installed 'Health Check & Troubleshooting' plugin and checked to see if problem existed with other themes like Kadence and Twenty Twenty-Four and it did not so the problem appears to be a direct conflict between WP Bootstrapper and any other photo gallery plugin I have tried. Followed instructions here https://wp-customerarea.com/documentation/user-guides/resolving-bootstrap-conflicts/ and was not able to resolve it

  • You'll need browser debugging skills to get enough information for us to help you fix this. Conflicts between page-layout frameworks ( of which Bootstrap is one ) and between versions of those frameworks are notoriously hard to resolve.
    – O. Jones
    Commented Dec 7, 2023 at 10:53