After I installed stubs in Laravel 10 app with command

php artisan stub:publish

and try to open one of *stub files, it is opened by kate of my Kubuntu 22.04.

In PhpStorm 2023.2 I applied command “Override file type” and selected "PHP", but it does not seems to be a good option as this file shows a lot of errors. I did not find any “stub” extension in command “Override file type” or some stubs in available plugins.

How can I use these files?

  • 2
    PhpStorm does not have any highlighting for Laravel .stub files. However, these files should be opened as plain text in IDE, not passed further to OS. Is there any chance you have ".stub" added as a file name pattern in "File | Settings | Editor | File Types > Files opened is associated applications"? Also, you may try adding ".stub" to the "File | Settings | Editor | File Types > Text". Commented Jan 16 at 10:12


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