Here is my code:

var result = '';
var rows = $("#table_wf tbody tr input[type='checkbox']:checked").closest('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    var row = rows[i]
    result += rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML;
    var v = rows[i].cells.find("td input[type=text]");
    if (rows[i].cells.find("input[type=text]").length) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="table_wf">
        <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
        <td><input id="chk_001" type="checkbox" selected></td>
        <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
        <td><input id="text_002" type="text" value="22"/></td>
        <td><input id="chk_002" type="checkbox" selected/></td>

1st column contain codes like A,B,C

2nd column contain some dummy text

3rd column might contain a input box or might not, here 1st row does not have text box, 2nd row does

4th and last column contain a checkbox

now on change of any checkbox what I want is

text from column 1 + text from column 3 text box if present

I am able to get value from first <td> tag of row but not able to check if that row contain text box in 3rd <td> tag and if does, retrieve it's value

if (rows[i].cells.find("input[type=text]").length) {}

This is found on a post but it says that find rows[i].cells.find is not a function.

Maybe .find is not available on cells.

Anyway to accomplish this ?

value should be A (1st row), B22 (from 2nd row)

One comment suggested that rows[i].cells.find("td input[type=text]") means that finding a td within td collection because rows[i].cells return list of td, so I changed it to

rows[i].find("td input[type=text]").length

But error is still "rows[i].find is not a function"

enter image description here

  • "One comment" - the comment was removed as you mentioned find gave an error - you could do $(rows[i]).find... but seems overkill to keep switch between jquery and nodes like that - if using jquery, stick with jquery
    – fdomn-m
    Commented Apr 4 at 6:22
  • Ok , so what should I use from jquery here , I am a c# developer, not much into node or jquery, Pardon my knowledge
    – Saurabh
    Commented Apr 4 at 6:25
  • 2
    No worries - was creating an answer for you, hence the deleted comments
    – fdomn-m
    Commented Apr 4 at 6:30

4 Answers 4


Your requirement is exactly what .map was designed for.

Keeping with one liner:

$("#table_wf tbody tr td :checked")
    .map((i, e) => 
        $(e).find("td").eq(0).text() + ($(e).find("input[type='text']").val() || "")


  • selector gets all the ticked checkboxes
  • gets all the rows for those checkboxes
  • loops through the rows
  • gets the first cell using .find("td").eq(0) and returns its text
  • gets the first textbox and returns its value - .val() will give the value of the first found
  • || "" converts undefined to empty string
  • .toArray() converts the jquery .map response to a basic array
  • then you can .join(" ") if you want as a single string or use the array


$("#table_wf :checkbox").click(() => {
  var result = $("#table_wf tbody tr td :checked").closest('tr').map((i, e) => $(e).find("td").eq(0).text() + ($(e).find("input[type='text']").val() || "")).toArray();
  console.log(result.join(" "))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<table id="table_wf">
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="chk_001" type="checkbox" selected></td>
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="text_002" type="text" value="22" /></td>
      <td><input id="chk_002" type="checkbox" selected checked /></td>

  • 1
    Amazing , minimum code with really good explanation of each step. Thanks
    – Saurabh
    Commented Apr 4 at 6:36
  • if first <td> is set as display:none, will it pick value from hidden cell ?
    – Saurabh
    Commented Apr 4 at 6:42
  • 1
    The display value has no impact based on this code (so yes). If you want to ignore a cell, you could use $("td:not(:hidden)". You might prefer an alternative approach - give all the cells in your first column a class (not an id) and then you can pick that with td.key (eg if class='key') and it won't matter what the position is. Another alternative for "hidden" values is to use data- on the tr, eg data-key='A'. It's unclear if you want to pick from the first column or want to ignore the first column if it's hidden (ie pick from the second)
    – fdomn-m
    Commented Apr 4 at 7:13

You can loop through the cells using .eq(index) to access the cell at a specific index within a row.


var result = '';
var rows = $("#table_wf tbody tr input[type='checkbox']:checked").closest('tr');
rows.each(function() {
    var row = $(this);
    result += row.find('td:first').text(); //first column text
    var textbox = row.find('td:eq(2) input[type="text"]');
    if (textbox.length) {
        result += textbox.val(); //value of the text box if present
    result += '\n'; //add a newline for each row
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="table_wf">
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="chk_001" type="checkbox" checked></td>
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="text_002" type="text" value="22"/></td>
      <td><input id="chk_002" type="checkbox" checked/></td>


.find() is a jQuery method that is used to search through the descendants of these elements in the DOM tree and cannot be directly applied to rows[i].cells, which is a collection of DOM elements, not jQuery objects.

wrap the elements you're working with in jQuery

Also, the selected attribute should be checked

var result = '';

// Attach a change event listener to checkboxes in the table
$("#table_wf tbody tr input[type='checkbox']").change(function() {
    result = ''; // Reset result on change
    var rows = $("#table_wf tbody tr input[type='checkbox']:checked").closest('tr');
    rows.each(function() {
        var row = $(this); // Wrap the row with jQuery
        var code = row.find('td:eq(0)').text(); // Get the text from the first column
        var textBox = row.find('td:eq(2) input[type="text"]'); // Find the input box in the third column
        var textBoxValue = textBox.val() ? textBox.val() : ''; // Get the value if the input box exists
        result += code + textBoxValue + ' '; // Concatenate the code and textBoxValue

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<table id="table_wf">
<td>Some Dummy Text</td>
<td><input id="chk_001" type="checkbox" selected></td>
<td>Some Dummy Text</td>
<td><input id="text_002" type="text" value="22"/></td>
<td><input id="chk_002" type="checkbox" selected/></td>


Firstly, I change selected to checked in the HTML, at least for the example. Didn't take in count possible user input.

find is a JQuery method, not a basic dom one. By only using JQuery method like find("td:first") and getting it from row and not cell, it works fine:

var result = '';
var rows = $("#table_wf tbody tr input[type='checkbox']:checked").closest('tr');
rows.each(function() {
    var row = $(this);
    var firstCell = row.find("td:first");
    result += firstCell.html();
    var v = row.find("td input[type=text]"); // search td from row, so tr
    if (row.find("input[type=text]").length) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="table_wf">
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="chk_001" type="checkbox" checked></td>
      <td>Some Dummy Text</td>
      <td><input id="text_002" type="text" value="22"/></td>
      <td><input id="chk_002" type="checkbox" checked/></td>

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