The official documentation isn’t talking anything at all about CSS mediaquery. particularly when I would like to place 2 divs and 1 image in single row (rx.hstack) in larger screen and want to place as single column (rx.vstack) in smaller screen, how can I conditionally set that?

I’ve tried wrapping media property inside style dictionary. But no luck!

display property works like this: display=[‘none’, ‘none’, ‘none’, ‘flex’, ‘flex’]

But how to organize rows or columns differently based on reading display sizes?

  • This doesn't appear to be a python or even really a pynecone question, but rather a reflex and css question. Please share some code of what you actually tried, or of what ends up in the browser and describe exactly what you expected that to achieve and what happens instead.
    – Grismar
    Commented Apr 29 at 3:15
  • 1
    Yes, it's more of a reflex question. I only need to know how I can use CSS media queries in python reflex. official doc has nothing regarding media queries. Because sometimes some conditional rules are needed to be applied based on display sizes. Commented Apr 29 at 9:41


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