I am somewhat of a beginner so bear with me. I have an HttpPost-method in an API, that makes use of the CreatedAtAction-method for the http-response:

public async Task<ActionResult<RealtorFirm>> AddAsync(RealtorFirmPostDTO realtorFirmPostDTO)
    if (realtorFirmPostDTO == null)
        return BadRequest();
    // Map DTO to entity
    RealtorFirm realtorFirm = await _realtorFirmRepository.AddAsync(_mapper.Map<RealtorFirm>(realtorFirmPostDTO));
    // Save entity to db
    await _realtorFirmRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
    // Return success status code 201 with a reference to the newly created object's URL
    return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetByIdAsync), new { id = realtorFirm.Id }, realtorFirm);

When I post in Swagger or Postman I get a response with a Location header containing a correct URL. All is fine.

But when I make a call from the Blazor client, the Location header returns null. Here's the call:

    HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("https://localhost:7190/api/RealtorFirm", RealtorFirm);

        // TODO: Get Location in Http-response and extract id

        // TODO: Redirect to to details page

Additional info: the response contains a 201-Created status code and the entity is written to the database, even from the client. My problem is with finding out the Location and rerouting to the details page.

I have tried changing AllowAutoRedirect to false, but it didn't help. But I'm not sure I did it the right way (code from Program.cs):

HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler()
    AllowAutoRedirect = false

builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient(handler)
    BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress)

Am I misusing HttpResponseMessage? Or misunderstanding the use of CreatedAtAction()?