I am using the Abp.io 5.3 framework Angular non-layer application. Using the below code I've successfully implemented Azure AD Single Sign-On (SSO) for my application using the Abp.io 5.3 framework with Angular. However, I now need to extend SSO to include a new domain that isn't managed under my Azure portal. I do have the necessary credentials - client ID, secret key, and tenant ID - for this new tenant's Azure App.

Since these two tenants aren't managed under the same Azure portal, I'm unsure how to proceed with SSO. Is there a method to dynamically load OpenID Connect settings based on the domain name, allowing me to integrate SSO for this new domain alongside the existing implementation?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The easiest way to handle this case in my opinion is to setup your App Registration in Azure as a multitenant App, that way when a user goes to the login page they sign in to their own Entra. You have to read up on the details of Multitenant AppRegistration in Entra.

Hope that helps!

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