I have a host, a username and a public key as a string. How can I connect to the server?

PhpStorm asks me for the private key file, but I have a public key string. Should I put the public key into a file and upload it as a private key? Thanks!

  • How do you connect to that server otherwise?
    – Nico Haase
    Commented May 24 at 15:29
  • with a private key, but i think that i must create a public key for the user that i need, but i don't know how i can do Commented May 24 at 15:49
  • If you use a private key otherwise, why not use it in PhpStorm?
    – Nico Haase
    Commented May 24 at 15:53
  • The server will be unable to authenticate you if all you have is a public key. You will have to generate a new keypair. Commented May 24 at 22:53
  • i have this command: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@host 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', i think that this is for linux, how can i write it for windows? Commented May 26 at 9:57


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