The problem I am trying to solve is to display all events (doesn't matter if allDay true or false) ordering by the parameter I created named 'level'.

I created a 'level' parameter for my EventObject in fullcalendar, but even if I use eventOrder: "level", it seems that the events are separated in two sections (the 'allDay : true' are shown in the top and 'allDay : false' in the bottom).

I also tried combining other configurations as 'eventOrderStrict: true' and 'allDaySlot: false', but it didn't work.

Important: the project I am working implements the Fullcalendar component version 3.

  • I'd suggest that if you don't actually care about the start times and you just want all events to be ordered by your custom parameter instead, then don't pass any start times to fullCalendar and just mark all the events as allDay: true. That way there's nothing else for fullCalendar to use for ordering the events except for your level value.
    – ADyson
    Commented Jun 24 at 10:20
  • @ADyson thanks for the answer but actually the start date should also be respected. I want to have some levels of "priority" and than list the events by the start date after, but I think the fullCalendar in the version 3 separates the allDay from the 'not allDay' events in two lists (and if that's correct, I would like to know if in version 6 it is different). Commented Jun 24 at 11:19
  • I said it might make sense to ignore the start times, not the dates. An allDay event still has a date.
    – ADyson
    Commented Jun 24 at 11:47
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    Hey ADyson I found the type of view in ther header as you suggested. header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'basicDay,basicWeek,month' }, in this case, as I use the basicDay, basicWeek and month views, I guess I am not using any time-aware type of view as you suggested and considering what you meant about the documentation, the eventOrder just won't work in v3 for the specific-time events (since they don't have the same exact start time and duration), but the v6 would work (thanks for the demo). Commented Jun 24 at 15:49
  • 1
    I really appreciate your help ADyson! The demos in the codepen.io really helped me understand and demonstrate to my colleagues the problem. As I am new to the community, I am feeling very well received. In this case we may update the version instead of creating workarounds, will see! Later I will post the result here! Big thanks again. Commented Jun 24 at 16:03