In Spring Cloud API Gateway (MVC), I am trying to filer a GET request that dynamically creates a request param (query string)?

Original request path to API Gateway with path param:


I would like the filtered request path result to be:


Is there any documentation available that shows how to do this? I've seen:

RewritePath Filter


AddRequestParameter Filter


Related dependency versions:

id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.3.1'
implementation 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-gateway-mvc'

I tried creating a bean, but don't understand how to obtain the value for addRequestParameter dynamically and I'm not sure about rewritePath either.


File: com/example/demo/routes/RouteConfiguration.java

class RouteConfiguration {

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> gatewayRouterAddRequestParam() {
        return route("add_request_parameter_route")
                .GET("v1/resource-name/id12345/methodName", http("https://example.org"))
                        rewritePath("v1/resource-name/(?<segment>.*)", "v1/resource-name/methodName")
                                .andThen(addRequestParameter("id", "id12345"))

1 Answer 1


have a look at https://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-gateway-url-rewriting. you can define a filter at RouteLocatorBuilder. Inside the filter you get the ServerHttpRequest where you can mutate the path as you needed it.

  • Thanks, but isn't RouteLocatorBuilder only for the Reactive API Gateway? I tried to use it, but could't resolve any of the imports. I would need to know a soution that works for Spring Cloud API Gateway (MVC) Commented Jun 24 at 23:14

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