I wanted to display a 'simpler' text to help supplement kids reading exercise. As an example - as an example the text may read :

Johnny went to school and he surreptitiously ate his lunch early. I wanted to on-click" the word surreptitiously and display a simpler word, e.g. sneakily or something more understandable to a younger age student.

Ive used the following method to capture the clicked text, ( similar to examples sourced from this web site )

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <Title> Selected Text </Title>

      Johnny went to school and he surreptitiously ate his lunch early. I wanted to on-click" the                                         word surreptitiously and display a simpler word, e.g. sneakily or something more understandable to a younger age student.`


    <textarea id="sel" rows="3" cols="50">

    <p>Please select some text.</p>


    function getSelectionText() {
        var text = "";

        if (window.getSelection) {
            text = window.getSelection().toString();
        return text;
    document.onmouseup = document.onkeyup = document.onselectionchange = function () {
        document.getElementById("sel").value = getSelectionText();


This is a simplified version but places the text into a a text area but I was thinking of pop or similar

I read that as a security risk but was not clear on Vs Vs video. The similar word does not need to be as video simply a simple kit may be a simple html window display the 'sneakily' word so it becomes more understandable.

Although Ive worked as a coder ( when I was young LOL ) so appreciate suggestions of the best way to approach and any examples greatly appreciated.


  • you could wrap the word you want to explain in a <span title="Sneaky"> surreptitiously</span>, you could use an onclick handler to display a custom tooltip. not sure why you suggest video? Commented Jul 11 at 12:04


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