I think that I just discovered a very specific CSS bug which I'll try to demonstrate:

  • I have "scrollbar-gutter: stable" set to a DIV element.
  • I use JS to load cached HTML content to the DIV when hovering over icons on my page (different content based on the icon; using .innerHTML method to load the content).
  • If I hover over any icon while the page is loading, or the DIV in question itself, the entire website crashes with the STATUS_BREAKPOINT error.
  • Note that I'm also loading up a large JS array with all the cached HTML inside it directly from PHP (using <script> while previously reading it from SQL), so this would be the "page is loading" time gap in which the crash happens.

enter image description here

enter image description here

The JS code that loads up HTML:

function loadDescriptionBox(itemId, e)
    document.getElementById('descbox').innerHTML = items[itemId].html;

Example of the items array:

items['c1'] = 
    html: 'HTML content here'

Has anyone ever experienced something similar?

  • I tried removing all other CSS lines from that element - I can confirm that having only "scrollbar-gutter" by itself still causes crashes
  • Removing that one line from the CSS completely fixes the issue.
  • Tested on Chrome and Edge - crash happens on both.


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