I'm developing a system with two separate frontends using Next.js: one for clients and one for admins. Both frontends need to be synchronized such that when a client makes a booking, it should immediately appear in the admin frontend.


Backend: Laravel ( Rest API's) Frontend: Next.js


A booking is made on the client frontend. This booking should appear in real-time on the admin frontend. Requirements:

The two frontends are separately developed and deployed. The synchronization should happen in real-time.

What I've Considered:

REST API with Webhooks: Using a REST API to create the booking and webhooks to notify the admin frontend. WebSockets: Using WebSockets for real-time communication between the server and the frontends. Message Brokers: Using a message broker like RabbitMQ or Kafka to handle the communication. GraphQL Subscriptions: Using GraphQL with subscriptions for real-time updates. Server-Sent Events (SSE): Using SSE to push updates to the admin frontend. Questions:

What is the best approach to achieve real-time synchronization between these two frontends? Can you provide examples or point me to resources for implementing the suggested approaches with Laravel and Next.js?

Thank you for your help!

1 Answer 1


I suggest you use Laravel reverb this is a websocket made by Laravel community. It the easiest way to implement with Laravel broadcasting. If you have a Laracast you can refer to this video About reverb

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