In Xcode I am getting ( No Accounts: Add a new account in Accounts settings. ) while create build.

Helpfull solution for this error

And also for how to connect iPhone with Xcode I don't know please anyone help me to resolve that

1 Answer 1

  1. Open Xcode: Launch Xcode on your Mac.

2.Open Preferences: Go to the Xcode menu in the top left corner of the screen. Select Preferences... or press Command + ,

  1. Select Accounts: In the Preferences window, click on the Accounts tab.

  2. Add an Account: Click on the + button at the bottom left of the Accounts pane. Choose Apple ID and click Continue.

  3. Sign In: Enter your Apple ID and password. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you'll also need to enter the verification code sent to your device.

  4. Confirm: After signing in, your Apple ID should appear in the list of accounts, and Xcode should now be able to access your developer credentials.

  5. Select a Team: Go to your project settings by clicking on the project in the Navigator, then selecting the General tab. Under the Signing & Capabilities section, make sure that your team is selected. If you haven't set up a team yet, you might need to create one in the Apple Developer portal.

  6. Create Build: Now you should be able to create a build. Go to Product > Archive to start the build process.

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    Commented Jul 5 at 14:00

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