Recently, we implemented a solution where data is ingested into Snowflake using Azure Data Factory (ADF). After ingestion, the ADF data pipeline triggers dbt models using programmatic invocations. We used Azure Functions to handle these dbt invocations.

While some models build without any issues, suddenly, dbt fails with the following error:

250003 (08001): 401 Unauthorized: get https://*****.snowflakecomputing.com:443/queries/01b56ee6-0204-18a0-0001-599e086e235a/result?request_guid=bf4357d6-4f91-42e8-845b-5d77aec4eeb5

Unfortunately, the Snowflake query tag does not provide any useful information. Restarting the process results in the same error.

Any hints or suggestions on what might be causing this issue and how to resolve it?

  • I would guess either the string in bold or the request_guid is the Snowflake query id - so I would start by looking up in the query history for that record
    – NickW
    Commented Jul 4 at 21:29