I have a column definition that works ok for persisting and querying typed json data


public class TimeLineDefinition()
    public DateTime StartDateUtc { get; init; }

public class ProductData()
    public ProductData(TimeLineDefinition timeLineDefinition)
        TimeLineDefinition = timeLineDefinition;
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public TimeLineDefinition TimeLineDefinition {get;set;}


public class ProductDataConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<ProductData>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<ProductData> builder)
        builder.HasKey(p => p.Id);
        builder.Property(p => p.StartDateTimeUtc)
            .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone");

        builder.OwnsOne(  t => t.TimeLineDefinition ,navigationBuilder => {

This Setup persists the object TimeLineDefinition as json in the column TimeLineDefinition .

I now want to have a type

public class TimeLineDefinitionWithEndDate() :TimeLineDefinition
        public DateTime EndDateUtc { get; init; }

that should persist and read StartDateUtc and EndDateUtc. Is this possible with PostgresProvider in EF?

  • Don't think so. It means that Discriminator should be stored in JSON. Also it means that LINQ translator should be improved for such cases. Commented Jul 4 at 18:24