This workflow will either produce a value or an error. I want that, in the event of an error, will perform an arbitrary code (it could print a message to the console, create an objet).

a <- 1
b <- 2
e <- 3

Using the function from How can I use an error as an if statement in R

is_simple_error <- function(x) inherits(x, "simpleError")

This will evaluate to the desired printed message:

 if (is_simple_error(a + b) == TRUE) {
   stop("Check the inputs")
        } else {
          print("You can continue with the script")

But in the event of an error, the desired output ("Check the inputs") will not be printed to the terminal. Instead, we have an error: "Error: object 'd' not found"):

if (is_simple_error(e + d) == TRUE) {
  stop("Check the inputs")
} else {
  print("You can continue the script")
  • Just to drive out confounds on 'error', perhaps rename c away from a function name to stick with remarking on other errors.
    – Chris
    Commented Jul 4 at 18:49
  • Thank you, fixed it, renamed the object to "e". "c" is a bad name for an object in R.
    – BMLopes
    Commented Jul 4 at 18:58
  • stackoverflow.com/questions/64688082/…
    – M--
    Commented Jul 5 at 0:43

2 Answers 2


You need to actually catch the error, otherwise the process gets interrupted at the moment the error is generated:

is_simple_error <- function(expr) {
  result <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e) 
  inherits(result, "simpleError")

Then it works:

if (is_simple_error(a + b)) {
  stop("Check the inputs")
} else {
  print("You can continue with the script")
[1] "You can continue with the script"
if (is_simple_error(e + d)) {
  stop("Check the inputs")
} else {
  print("You can continue the script")
Error: Check the inputs

You could use try, and I'd rather see message than print.

> err_fun <- \(x) {
+   inputs <- try(x, silent=TRUE)
+   if (inherits(inputs, 'try-error')) {
+     stop("Check the inputs", call.=FALSE)
+   } else {
+     message("You can continue with the script")
+   }
+ }
> err_fun(a + b)
You can continue with the script
> err_fun(e + d)
Error: Check the inputs

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