
I'm quite sure that this is related to how webpack works with MUI.

We used to have a div with a class that had a background-image:

.hero-image {
  // .. stuff
  background-image: url("../../assets/images/hero-images/yoda.jpg")
  // .. more stuff

That ain't the most MUI-y, component-y way of doing things so I wanted to use a (MUI) CardMedia, as per the examples on Card:

    sx={{ height: '100%' }}

No image appears and I see this in the console:

GET http://localhost:3000/assets/images/hero-images/yoda.jpg 431 (Request Header Fields Too Large)

I've tried adding url before the URL as per the original background-image definition, as well as tried different varieties of quotes.

No luck.

When I checked the actual url in the browser for the version using a div I saw

background-image: url(http://localhost:3000/static/media/yoda.850fd76….jpg);

So clearly some asset manager is doing a transformation. This lead me to webpack.

I feel like I'm getting closer but I'm still not sure.

How is MUI supposed to work with webpack? I'm sure I'm missing something, as I can't be the first person to use this combo of tools 😔.

  • Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies on localhost:3000 stackoverflow.com/a/61167155/19019306
    – Ethan
    Commented Jul 5 at 20:26
  • No not yet, thanks for that idea.
    – ari gold
    Commented Jul 5 at 20:35
  • I think I found the solution, I need to require the image: const heroImage = require('../../assets/images/hero-images/yoda.jpg');
    – ari gold
    Commented Jul 5 at 20:36


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