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Questions tagged [android-design-library]

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

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What is the alternative way for android development without android studio?

I want to be an Android developer. As Android Studio is hungry for memory, I don't have enough memory for Android Studio on my computer. But I want to continue android development without Android ...
Ferdous Hasan's user avatar
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BottomSheetFragment flies to the top of the screen when animation or layout size change is executed

I have bottom sheet fragment with a couple of text fields. When i applying error on one of EditText's, bottom sheet flies to the top of the screen. My hypothesis is that this thing happening becouse ...
CyberMan321's user avatar
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I can`t scroll to the end of the page. Android studio

I can`t scroll to the end of the page. Here`s my xml code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="
Валерия's user avatar
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Inserting data to a Room database

When it comes to inserting data on a RoomDB, what is the best method to handle the conflict strategy? As i have tried. @Insert(onConflict = @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)) But it ...
Lloyd Munyai's user avatar
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Changing textColor in theme is not applied in layout - Android

I wanted to use Material.DayNight to implement Night mode on my app. However, changing the text color in my styles.xml (both not night and night) does not reflect on the layout file. styles.xml <...
Da Chelimo's user avatar
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How to set BottomNavigationView selected item text to normal, not bold

I have BottomNavigationView in my app. When I select one item, the text is bold. But I want that text stays normal, not bold. How to achieve this? Here is my code <
Kolovrat's user avatar
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why i getting a error "Unresolved reference: fillMaxSize" with modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize?

i am trying to use the jetpack compose but it giving so much errors, one of them is that - package com.example.imagecardcompose import android.os.Bundle import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity ...
vishwas babar's user avatar
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difference between wrapping EditText with TextInputLayout Vs wrapping TextInputEditText with TextInputLayout?

Want to know difference between wrapping EditText with TextInputLayout Vs wrapping TextInputEditText with TextInputLayout ?. I tried using both, they worked same. So which to use when ? Searched on ...
Sourav Karjole's user avatar
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Customize the Material 3's Switch component in Jetpack Compose

Switch example Is there a way to customize Material 3's Switch appearance and behavior? I have seen some examples of customized components in the Now in Android Case Study Figma file, I wonder if ...
Hazem's user avatar
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Inside DrawerLayout, I cannot put anything like toolbar or constraintLayout

This is my code for main_activity.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="
Hideki Namikawa's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Render Problems with TabLayout and ViewHolder

I am currently unable to render am activity with just a TabLayout and ViewPager. I am getting this error: Style ResourceReference{namespace=apk/res-auto, type=attr, name=textAppearanceButton} is not ...
Mackenzie Fletcher's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change my scroll view to scrollable constraint layout or how to use scrollview

I want to add more options like add product and etc. but i cant because of scroll view not working properly. the following is my design code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"...
Laksh M's user avatar
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Custom EditText Design with boxes number

does someone know how to make an EditText with the design below (or similar)? I appreciate any help you can provide.
groff07's user avatar
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XML Suggestions Not working in android studio?

i just create new project with Target & Compile SDK 33 , it disable all sugestion in xml file . i dont know what happened . I tried mode off 2.tick the option in code completion "show ...
Adnan Bashir's user avatar
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How to create following types of layout in android

I have tried using ProgressBar or SeekBar but how to add left cut on one side and right side also
Adnan Mahida's user avatar

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