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Questions tagged [apereo]

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Update to Apereo CAS from 6.6.6 does not load the custom html pages from src/main/resources/templates directory

I have upgaded my project Apereo CAS version from 6.6.6 to, application is up and running showing the message. 16.07.24 13:01:25.212 [main] [INFO] AbstractServicesManager.(): Loaded [15] ...
Abhishek-M's user avatar
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CAS customization - endpoints expose

I wish to upgrade Apereo CAS from 5.x to 7.x but there is a huge architecture change and the way the project is overlayed, i found documentation for everything except what i want. I want to create ...
pratyush singh's user avatar
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springboot integration apereo.cas

I protect a URL, http://localhost:8080/protected. When reading this URL, it will go to CAS LOGIN PAGE. After successful login, I can go to this URL, but when reading this URL, it will show that it ...
陳昇賢's user avatar
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Apereo CAS 7.0.3 - External Custom Identity Provider (Identication delegation)

This is my scenario: User tries to reach ServiceA or B ServiceA throws an exception(user does not have sso session yet) and redirects User to Cas web form for user input credentials User have a ...
Emis's user avatar
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What dependency should pac4j have with Cas Apereo 6.6.15?

I am trying to configure cas apereo 6.6.15 and I am having problems with the pac4j dependency. For cas 6.6.15 what version of pac4j should be used? The dependencies I have in build.gradle are: ...
DDL's user avatar
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Create multiple queries on the Apereo CAS server

I'm currently implementing SSO using Apereo CAS 6.6.x. I have deployed CAS Server, connected two different services with CAS, and successfully logged in using database-based authentication. I heard ...
pollpoll's user avatar
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114 views sending logs for 3 minutes before starting my spring boot app [Apereo CAS]

I have this Spring Boot app branch CAS_integration in Java 8 that I integrated with an Apereo CAS server. To do so I added an Apereo CAS client to the dependencies of the project. Everything works, ...
Aleix Mariné's user avatar
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What happened "" in 7.0.0-RC9 of org.apereo.cas?

I am working on migrating from org.apereo.cas:6.6.14 to 7.0.0-RC9 (and the actual release when it happens). Until v7.0.0-RC5 the package was in org.apereo.cas:cas-server-...
wotanii's user avatar
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Set custom trust store using JDK11

I want to use a custom trust store that I keep in the repository of my Spring Boot project. I do not want to mess with cacerts that comes with the JDK installed. I do not want to move files in the ...
Aleix Mariné's user avatar
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CAS 6.6 - RADIUS MFA Integration

I am trying to integrate CAS 6.6 via RADIUS for 1st factor and 2-factor authentications. I am getting the below message even after entering the correct OTP and displays the following message in UI OTP ...
Saleem's user avatar
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Apereo CAS server loading configuration from '/etc/cas/config' and not '${PROJECT_DIR}/etc/cas/config'

So I have an Apereo CAS project that I am trying to config. I have found that when running my Apereo CAS WAR overlay with gradle with ./gradlew clean run, CAS does not found the configuration. It says ...
Aleix Mariné's user avatar
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CAS Delegated authentication SAML/OIDC

I'm trying to test a POC with CAS Delegated Authentication PAC4J. The target Authentication flow is the following: Client requests access to SP (SAML client) SP redirects to my CAS Server (SAML IDP) ...
med_alpa's user avatar
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On apereo cas 6.6 MFA can I check for trusted devices before showing the provider selection screen?

Running CAS 6.6.6 and currently we are using g-auth as our MFA provider along with trusted devices. Looking to add in cas-simple also via the provider selection screen. I have this working, but we ...
AvayaBose67's user avatar
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How do you configure CAS for database and Duo MFA?

So I've built a CAS war file (version 6.6.10) and it launches fine in Apache Tomcat (see attached screenshot) but I've been unable to get it to work with the Oracle database authentication and Duo MFA ...
M Davie's user avatar
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Saml assertion response does not include all attributes

I'm working on the CAS APEREO SSO IDP 5.3.X. The IDP is connected to AD, SPNEGO & KERBEROS are enabled. I setup a service provider to use SAML2 protocol to authenticate users (generate metadata , ...
med_alpa's user avatar
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