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Questions tagged [api]

DO NOT USE. Use specific tags like [google-cloud-platform], [facebook], [amazon-web-services] instead or [api-design] where applicable. Questions asking to recommend or find an API are off-topic.

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3 answers

How fetch a json query response from an api in python using requests library?

I want to pass a json query as an argument in the requests.get method in python and get the query based response from the url. query_params = { "query": { "exists": { &...
Rumi's user avatar
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0 answers

Sending the form to Sptari v4

enter image description hereGood afternoon colleagues. my problem is that i want to understand how exactly i can get the image from Strapi if i have sent it with a form and additional fields of the ...
влад's user avatar
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1 answer

ImageBackground not displaying image when fetched from API

When I am fetching image source from API, Image is not displayed in ImageBackground even though source exists but remaining data is displayed such as listing title and other details. import React, {...
ctr1L's user avatar
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2 answers

axios API not receiving data from express js nodejs

client const {data} = await axios.create({baseURL:``}).post("/seller/login",{ sellerMobile, sellerEmail, password },...
Shubham Garg's user avatar
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1 answer

Angular2- Can't call an API with a service in Angular

[Trying to call this API file in Angular through a service. I was able to call a local JSON file before with ease but this one is not working.The second image is the table I want to setup for the data ...
celtics4life's user avatar
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2 answers

How to stop api calls on react changes

I am working on a project and this is my first time working with apis and realized that apis are expensive, so when i make changes in my react vite tsx project it seems to be calling it each time a ...
leoqode's user avatar
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Pydantic class looks immutable (serialization and update with Json string for restAPI communication)

I am looking to add serializing-deserializing methods to a Pydantic class to communicate class attributes to a restAPI or update object with API response. I arrived up to this point, program don't ...
GrosseKartoffel's user avatar
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1 answer

TypeError: Client.create_tweet() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I’m making my first bot but I get this error when running it. Made with python 3.11 tweepy. TypeError: Client.create_tweet() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Code: import tweepy client = ...
ThePangel's user avatar
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1 answer

Mapping data recieved from Angular in .net using mediatR

I'm sending data from my angular App in FormData this is the print of the data sent Key: tePartNumber, Value: test Key: customerPN, Value: test Key: projectNumber, Value: test Key: oem, Value: ...
Chabba Mohamed Nadir's user avatar
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1 answer

Search API Privileges in Coveo

I am trying to use Coveo Search API in my project. I generated the Api key from the admin console page of Coveo. But when I send a query request with the API key, I receive a response with status OK ...
Pankaj Chowdhury's user avatar
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1 answer

Flask API works correctly locally but returns 415 on Azure App Service

Current environment Python 3.10 Flask 2.3.2 and waitress 2.1.2 Postgresql DB on Azure Postgresql managed service (flexible server) App Service running docker container for the server with same ...
mattiatantardini's user avatar
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1 answer

ChatGPT OpenAI API coesn't understand prompt

So i want to translate a specific prompt from for instance English to Netherlands and give 3 different options for this, sometimes it seems to work and sometimes ChatGPT gives text after the text he ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

Django and ReactJS integration: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" error

I am working on an e-commerce project where I am using Django for the backend and ReactJS for the front end. However, I am encountering an error when trying to fetch data from the ReactJS component to ...
TechLover's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I am trying to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM using an Application or Client Id and a Client Secret based authentication. I have client id, client secret and Tenant Id. But it does not seem to ...
Fllorinaaa's user avatar
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0 answers

cURL failed: no post FIELDS sent

I need to create a php curl request to an electronic signature service, sending a pdf file to be signed + a json payload. When I simulate the api through postman, it works through the local / desktop ...
foormi's user avatar
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