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Questions tagged [api]

DO NOT USE. Use specific tags like [google-cloud-platform], [facebook], [amazon-web-services] instead or [api-design] where applicable. Questions asking to recommend or find an API are off-topic.

137 votes
9 answers

How do I get currency exchange rates via an API such as Google Finance? [closed]

Now, I did find the Google Finance API and started looking through that but I found a lot of info about portfolios, transactions, positions & other stuff I know nothing about. Am I looking at ...
36 votes
5 answers

download windows API reference (MSDN) for offline use

I would like to have a windows API reference document available offline. MSDN is fine, but I also need this kind of information when I don't have access to internet. pdf, chm, help (for emacs) would ...
22 votes
4 answers

How to verify google auth token at server side in node js?

My front end application is authenticated using gmail account. I retrieve id_token after the authentication is successful and send it as Authorization Header as bearer token. E.g. http://...
47 votes
4 answers

How to always append attributes to Laravel Eloquent model?

I was wondering how to always append some data to Eloquent model without the need of asking for it for example when getting Posts form database I want to append the user info for each user as: { ...
1 vote
2 answers

Getting events older than 30 days from the Stripe API

I've stupidly not been recording metadata passed to my server via a Stripe Webhook on a checkout.session.completed event. When attempting to retrieve this information directly from the Stripe API ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to create contact point in grafana using API?

I am trying to create a contact point in grafana for pagerduty using grafana API. Tried with the help of these URLS: AlertProvisioning HTTP_API API call reference YAML reference of data changed to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Implement a ReaderT monad Type for mocking network api calls

data TestEnv = TestEnv { rateLimiter' :: !TokenBucket , apiManager :: !Manager , apiKey :: !BS.ByteString } type BunnyReaderT m = ReaderT TestEnv m class MonadIO m => HasBunny m where ...
20 votes
8 answers

WhatsApp cloud API sending old message inbound notification multiple time on my webhook

I'm new in using WhatsApp cloud API, I've set up one webhook with my WhatsApp cloud API.but the problem is that after some time it sends an inbound notification of an old message again to my webhook.
0 votes
0 answers

Accessing ProjectOnline API ../_api/ProjectData from Azure Data Factory V2

How is it possible to access the ../_api/ProjectData from Azure DataFactory V2? I have tried to use ClientID which was registered on the ../_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx but this seemed like a dead end. ...
3 votes
2 answers

WordPress REST API - How to Authenticate without a plugin

I've used the WooCommerce REST API for a number of years and I now need to try and upload some media files to WordPress so we can reference these when adding Product Images to existing Products, as ...
1 vote
1 answer

R POST() Status 422 error (msg 'value is not a valid list')

I am not able to POST() API in R. I did the following: data <- list(request_data_type = "expression", request_cancer_type = "all", request_genes = c("BRCA1", &...
0 votes
1 answer

Search API Privileges in Coveo

I am trying to use Coveo Search API in my project. I generated the Api key from the admin console page of Coveo. But when I send a query request with the API key, I receive a response with status OK ...
4 votes
1 answer

Efficient GraphQL query to retrieve ALL commits in a repository via GitHub's v4 API?

I am trying to construct a GraphQL query for GitHub's v4 GraphQL API to retrieve all commits from a given repository (regardless of branch). With the github/training-kit repository as an example, I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Read stories/posts using instagram API

I wanted to get all the stories for an user using Instagram API. Not the stories posted by the user but by the people he/she is following similar to how i am able views stories after i log in to my ...
1 vote
2 answers

Amadeus API Hotel description

Is there a way to get a more detailed hotel description? For example, by using this endpoint I'm getting ...

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