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Questions tagged [applinks]

Applinks is an open, cross-platform solution for app-to-app linking that gives the tools need to expose deep links in the app or to link out to others.

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why is my flutter app opening a deep link url in the browser and not automatically opening route in app?

I have tried in both the iOS simulator and Android Studio simulator to run my deep linking test. Android worked in the event that android:launchMode="singleTop" because it rendered the app ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Android app link doesn't navigate to Play Store when app is not installed but works correctly when the app is installed

Most questions about app links not working are about app links navigating to Play Store even when the app is installed (instead of launching the app). I have the opposite problem. When the app is ...
Alon Catz's user avatar
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I am working on deeplink for flutter application.It is perfectly working with the debug mode.but it is not working in release build

I am working with deep links in flutter app.I had configured and it is perfectly working with the debug mode. But when i tried to work on release build it is not working and just opening the website. ...
Ragul PR's user avatar
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Deep link Revolut app to Payments page with parameters

i'm looking for guidence on implementing a deep link in Revolut app. For example, "revolut://app/payments" opens the Payments page in the app. Is there a way to open the payments page with ...
Sergey Nasonov's user avatar
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How to redirect to Play store using App Links if app not installed in Android?

I am using the concept of deep linking in my app & have to integrate deep linking tool without any pricing. for this i am using App links in Android and successfully able to integrate it as well ...
Agarwal's user avatar
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Android app link for multiple apps under same domain

I have two android apps - Application A and Application B. I also have a website which is hosting the applinks.json file and verified it works correctly - clicking on a link does take me to ...
justin's user avatar
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Android App Links not working after comprenhensive debugging

I'm trying to implement deep links for an Android app. The problem is that whenever an user presses one of the links under the domains associated with the app, the web browser opens instead. The app ...
Fernando Avalos's user avatar
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App links are working only when opened from outside of Android TWA application

TLDR: app links trigger correctly from chrome, but not from inside my TWA app. I have an Android App that opens Trusted Webview Activity launching my website. What I want to achieve: When I navigate ...
m_b's user avatar
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Flutter: How to handle my AppLinking, Navigation Handling, and Resumption and Creation

I am implementing Applinking into my application. I have implemented the website part, .assetlinks.json & stuff, and it's all working On my application, I have added all necessary codes into my ...
Uraam Asif's user avatar
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I get Site/Fmwk Approval denied for my associated domain on my iOS app

I have an iOS app which it associated domain worked before, I just added a new app ID to the applinks json file but after that the associated domain on my app stopped working. after some debugging, I ...
Ahmadreza's user avatar
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Inquiry regarding Whitelabeling and app-Linking Issue in iOS Application

I am currently in the process of whitelabeling my iOS application and have encountered a specific issue that when I generate unsigned binaries and subsequently sign them separately, I face ...
learning-everyday's user avatar
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Flutter App links and universal links are now working?

I am learning flutter and want to apply the app links and universal links functionality in the app but wondering some issues. I want to implement this functionality with the help of my domain. I want ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Android app links assetlinks.json configuration error

As part of Android app link implementation according to we uploaded Digital asset link file assetlinks.json to our prod and ...
Leo's user avatar
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Android Applink in multiple applications with the same host

I am using same host for mobile applications. I can complete an applink for a single application and single host, it works. <activity android:name=".ui.applink.ApplinkActivity" ...
Mustafa Bekeç's user avatar
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Android Studio App Links Assistant no activity

I am currently working on app linking, however when using the app links assistant, I can't choose any activity. Why is that and how can I fix it?enter image description here I checked my ...
Bubifraci's user avatar

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