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Questions tagged [aws-cloudshell]

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AWS CloudShell: Timed out

I am attempting to open CloudShell on my AWS account with administrative access, but I keep encountering the following error: Failed to open session: Timed out while opening the session I have tried ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to fetch user's (my) public IP address inside AWS CloudShell?

I'm not looking for the public IP address of CloudShell; I know that I can find it out by hitting some external website. I would like to find out what my public IP address is when I'm connected to ...
m01010011's user avatar
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Connecting to EC2 instance via CloudShell using its private IP

I am trying to connecting to an EC2 instance via CloudShell. When I use its public IPv4 DNS it works but when I use its private IP I get the following message: connect to host port 22: ...
RafaSashi's user avatar
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Downloading aws cloudshell file to local windows machine

I tried to download cloudshell file to windows machine. But error showing 'Unable to download the file. Check the file name and path and try again.'. What is the right path I have to provide? Can ...
Hemanandhini K's user avatar
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How can I add request header parameters in HTTP integration WebSocket api gateway AWS

I'm new to AWS. I want to add header parameters to my HTTP request. I tried the below command in CloudShell but it was not working. aws apigatewayv2 update-integration --integration-id xxx --api-id ...
Abdul Basit's user avatar
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AWSCloudShell - CDK Bootstrap failure with NodeJS version 16 EOL, how to upgrade?

I am following a tutorial on CDK using AWSCloudShell, and installed it using npm command: sudo npm install -g aws-cdk However, when I tried running the CDK command cdk bootstrap provides this error: ...
GoldenCave's user avatar
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rename files with dates timestamp in aws cloudshell

i am trying to rename 100s of csv files that are in s3 bucket which has date part in it and struggling with code. s3://inventoryfiles/warehouse/2020/jan/inv12_20200301_220145.csv s3://inventoryfiles/...
user10591810's user avatar
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How to install postgres-client 'psql' in AWS CloudShell permanently

I have successfully installed postgresql-client 'psql' in the AWS CloudShell. When I close the instance and re-open it. The installation is not there, I am getting "-bash: psql: command not ...
Thaz's user avatar
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How to get N files from S3 bucket ordered by max size and modified after certain date using CloudShell?

I tried to use this command: aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket BUCKETNAME --query 'Contents[?LastModified>=2022-12-28].Key && sort_by(Contents, &Size)[-5:]' And while it searches for 5 ...
Andrew Savetchuk's user avatar
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Running multiple MSCK REPAIR TABLE statements in AWS Athena

So I'm trying to execute the following in AWS Athena which allows to run only one statement at a time: MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table_001; MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table_002; ...
P.Max's user avatar
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AWS CloudShell not working after creating a new account with Control Tower

I have created a new testing AWS account in my organization with Control Tower, a new user was assigned to the new account with IAM Identity Center, and as I'm using this account to run testing, so my ...
Benjamin Valiente's user avatar
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Unable to install postgresql-client client on AWS Cloud Shell

I'm trying to install postgresql client from AWS Cloud shell, however getting below error: Preparing your terminal... Failed to open session : Timed out while opening the session Trying to open ...
Pravin Maske's user avatar
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AWS CloudShell - List instances by ARN prefix

In AWS Backup, I have created a resource assignment to a backup-plan, which targets all EC2 instances. The ARN prefix looks like this: arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/* How can I list all instances that ...
Jeppe's user avatar
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How to exclude a specific user when deleting all user in Cognito user pool

I have a script I use to remove all users from a user pool on a regular basis for testing. There is however one user that constantly needs to be manually re-created as it should not get removed when ...
Ozone25's user avatar
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Difference of "zsh" vs "source zsh" in ".bashrc"

Amazon recommends adding zsh to .bashrc to change default shell for AWS CloudShell, since chsh somehow doesn't work. As I understand correctly, zsh runs in a child process. I wonder if I could add ...
Diego's user avatar
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