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Questions tagged [aws-s3-client]

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Uploading to AWS on ExpressJS takes a very long time when it is deployed on the server

I uploaded a file to AWS S3 with ExpressJS, but the upload time is very long about 15 seconds and above for a photo size of about 1MB. How to optimize / speed up the upload time My program is as below:...
Muttaqin's user avatar
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Error reading file from S3: null (Service: S3, Status Code: 502) with GetObjectRequest

I am trying to read file from localstack s3 and getting below error "message":"Error reading file from S3: null (Service: S3, Status Code: 502, Request ID: null)","exception&...
Rafiq Ahmad's user avatar
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This API controller is working fine locally but when the server is deployed as lambda function the downloaded zipfile is corrupt

export const downloadFiles3 = async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const key = req.params.key; try { const getObjectParams = { Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET || '', ...
Shaheer Khalid's user avatar
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s3 boto3 client can not set custom metedata

Once I try to set a custom metedata for my s3_file, uploading file sussessful but get metedata is {} with method head_object. Here is portion of my code: metadata = { 'x-amz-meta-expiretime': ...
Jiale Liu's user avatar
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Accessing Localstack S3 api from within the docker container from a spring boot app

I have a Spring Boot Application (SBApp) which uploads a file on S3. In the development phase, I'm using Localstack api to use the features of S3. Problem I want to connect to the Localstack S3 api ...
log0's user avatar
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When I upload to DigitalOcean Spaces with s3client, why do I get projectName.bucketName at the root of my path?

I'm getting started with Spaces. I'm successfully uploading images from a node backend with s3client and a PutObjectCommand. PutObjectCommand requires a Bucket argument, and it works when I put ...
bbsimonbb's user avatar
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Uppy + AWS S3 + Pre-signed URL (including metadata and tags). Uppy file upload failing with 'upload failed' and 'retry' error messages

getting this error while uploading image with awss3 uppy in angular 8. can anyone send me solution of this error [ i have added in tsconfig file lib set es2020 and i am using this link and script and ...
Anjali Patil's user avatar
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AWS S3 listing file without extension

My current file structure is url/demo/file.txt url/demo(file without extension) Now when I try to list the file without extension it using prefix demo it also list the files in folder demo Is there a ...
CoderAkki's user avatar
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AWS-SDK/client-s3 Extracting and reading gzip files

I have a large number of .gzs files - these files are not very big but there are about 100 of them - on a AWS S3 bucket. I need to pull them, unzip the file, read the content of the files and apply ...
RK65's user avatar
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AWS S3 Java 2.X Client configuration issue

StaticCredentialsProvider provider = StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create("Access key ID", "Access secret key")); S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder()....
Sraj's user avatar
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FastAPI SqlAdmin S3Storage class doubles aws s3 bucket_name when uploading file

I've been working on this for a few days and any help would be appreciated. I've managed to create a bucket on AWS S3 and I am trying to upload to the bucket using FastAPI and SqlAdmin. I am using ...
yavuzakyazici's user avatar
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Is it possible to stream files through a Spring Boot backend and up to S3, chunk by chunk?

I have an application in which I'm trying to stream files up to S3, but I can't make it stream the file(s) chunk by chunk. So the application basically consists of a frontend (Node.js), a backend (...
TheStranger's user avatar
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Unable to search objects in s3 using metadata efficiently

I am looking for aws s3 service which can search all the objects and return those objects whose metadata matches with the input metadata... I read couple of stackoverflow threads...people say that ...
newest newbie's user avatar
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AWS ListObjectsV2 runs indefinitely

I am using AWS ListObjectsV2 to iterate over S3 keys. There are more than 1,000 keys, so the output returns me IsTruncated=true as it should. However the ContinuationToken is empty which makes the ...
Gilo's user avatar
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Can we fetch random keys for s3 objects?

I want to fetch a random sample of 100 s3 object keys from millions of objects in a bucket. Is there any workaround in s3 API with the maxKeys=100 to list the random object keys every time we use the ...
Siena's user avatar
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