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Questions tagged [baseline-profile]

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How to update a Compose TextField during a Baseline Profile generation?

To bypass a login screen in a baseline profile generator, i would like to enter credentials. However the text property seems bugged. Is there a different way to interact with compose TextFields in a ...
Luciano's user avatar
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Baseline profile generator retains app state between launches

I've created a baseline profile generator module by following the official documentation steps. I noticed that when I launch profile generation it doesn't re-install the app, if it is already ...
Lingviston's user avatar
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Baseline Profile Generation Question i dont really see explained

i followed the Guidelines to generate Baseline Profile Generation. And it works good so far for me. The only thing i dont understood is why it looks like the Baseline Generation gets triggered ...
Kitesurfer's user avatar
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how to make baseline profile for Views system

The test scenario waiting for a splash screen to finish, scrolling through a RecyclerView, and clicking on a random item within it. Your XML layout includes a CollapsingToolbarLayout and a ...
Abdelrhman Ghanem's user avatar
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getting error "Cannot locate tasks that match ':app:generateBenchmarkReleaseBaselineProfile'" error when running baseline profiler

After creating a new BaselineProfile module, I tried to execute the task: and I'm getting the following error: Cannot locate tasks that match ':app:generateBenchmarkReleaseBaselineProfile' as task '...
Oke Uwechue's user avatar
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Android baseline-profile setup getting INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE error

When setting up the baseline-profile module via Android Studio I am running into the following error: Exception thrown during onBeforeAll invocation of plugin AndroidTestApkInstallerPlugin: ErrorName: ...
LethalMaus's user avatar
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Class not found exception: androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallerInitializer

As the name suggest, I am investigating an issue after updating to AGP 8.2 and libraries to newest version. After released, my app starts to receiving crashes (mostly on Oppo devices) on android 8, 9. ...
Lý Kim Long's user avatar
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Baseline profile, Android TV, StartupBenchmarks

I am trying to implement a Baseline Profile for Android TV. To be honest, I haven't found any official documentation on this. Generation baseline-prof.txt worked well. But the StartupBenchmarks tests ...
Leonid Ivankin's user avatar
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Android baseline profile generation with Ktor crashing

I'm trying to generate baseline profile for my app. The app is using ktor to do the network calls. I have several api calls on the splash screen but they are failing directly with : failed with ...
Badran's user avatar
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No "Baseline Profile Generator template" in Android Studio

I am trying to use Baseline Profile Generator to generate baseline profile for my app, but there is no Baseline Profile Generator module in Templates. following is my building environment: OS: ubuntu ...
TIAN's user avatar
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Android application with baselineprofile macro benchmark is failing with profileinstaller library issue

I am trying to improve performance for my application by trying baseprofile but unable to run it. Configured the project with gradle 8.2 and 'androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller:1.3.1' '...
OnDWay's user avatar
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Automating Baseline Profile Generation in Android with non-release builds

I'm working on an Android app and utilizing baseline profiles with the new Gradle plugin and GMD, as outlined in the docs. My app requires the BaselineProfileGenerator class to run on a pre-populated ...
Semanticer's user avatar
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Is there a way to disable/remove baseline profile from generating APK?

I'm developing an Xposed plugin that only has a few classes. I don't think it's necessary to use the Baseline profile, but I can't find a way to disable it.
John 6's user avatar
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Baseline Profile will benefit only for very First App Launch only?

I have implemented Baseline Profile for Android. I can see in assets/dexopt Also, profileinstaller dependency is already added. But still not clear about its benefits? Baseline profile ...
Dhruv Kaushal's user avatar
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Unable to copy baseline profile output from device

I'm trying to generate a baseline profile for my app but I'm seeing the following errors: :benchmark:connectedReleaseAndroidTest META-INF/native/...
jpetitto's user avatar
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