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Questions tagged [callable]

A task that returns a result and may throw an exception.

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Why I am getting this error: TypeError: Expected a Runnable, callable or dict.Instead got an unsupported type: <class 'NoneType'>

import streamlit as st from langchain_google_vertexai import VertexAI from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('')) class QuizGenerator: ...
Roman Khan's user avatar
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Does python 3.12 allows to append items from the list to tuple, I am trying this but getting error TYPEERROR: 'tuple' object is not callable

Please find the below code, once I execute this code I am getting 'tuple' object is not callable error please give the solution, thanks in advance. `mytuple = ("apple", "banana", &...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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2 answers

How can a Callable return a value from a predefined void callback?

I am using a data-related API interface which has a key void callback function that is automatically invoked to mark the end of some IO operations. I want to make the class Callable<String> and ...
limestreetlab's user avatar
-1 votes
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Make a `Callable` of my `Runnable` in Java

I have some tasks defined as Runnable objects. I want to invoke those tasks by using the invokeAll or invokeAny methods on ExecutorService. The problem is that those methods take a collection of ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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CompletableFuture supplyAsync, thenApplyAsync, thenAcceptAsync working incorrect

I made Async CompletableFuture so that I would first make a payment and then sleep for 10 minutes. And this was repeated endlessly. But sleep once doesn't work anymore public class PaymentWorker ...
Nodirbek Sirojiddinov's user avatar
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Spring Boot Asynchronous Controller via Callable not working

I want to make an endpoint that is asynchronous with Spring Boot. I want to avoid Futures and thus @Async because it forces the use of futures. I read and applied the code from this article : https://...
Genku's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pass a callable object as runnable object? Can we type cast Callable to Runnable?

How is the below structure possibly working? Please explain. Thanks in advance. public abstract class AbstractCallableClass { protected abstract V getCallable(); public void passRunnable() { ...
Utkarsh's user avatar
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Haversine, module not callable

I want to use a function from haversine. I installed the Haversine package (terminal: pip install haversine) but I can't run it. import gurobipy as gp from gurobipy import GRB import random import ...
R.B. Soomers's user avatar
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'int' is not callable on my Object with a custom Function

I'm learning Objects & Classes and am doing some practice. I've essentially done the exact same thing before but now with different names for my Classes and Objects. Here's my code (the error ...
J_D's user avatar
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Best way to call common methods from a Callable class?

I use java classes of type Callable (up to 200 in parallel), which call a method of a tool class (centralizing common methods), and I notice that if this method is not 'synchronized', I get errors. I'...
vinsse2001's user avatar
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3 answers

C++17: pass multiple callable objects together with their parameters

I would like to write a function (C++17 if that matters) that accepts multiple callable objects together with their arguments and executes them in a loop. I would also like to avoid any intermediate ...
TruLa's user avatar
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How to apply a (potentially) different callable to each row in a pandas DataFrame

I have a number of DataFrames, each with the same number of rows. input_df contains input data, param_df contains the parameters used for calculations, and output_df contains output data. One of the ...
dg0802's user avatar
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How to access $this in the context of a callable outside of class scope?

class foo { function bar(callable $callable) { $callable(); } function printStr() { echo "hi"; } } $foo = new foo(); $foo->bar(function () { $this-&...
Basil's user avatar
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OpenAI is not callable

When I try to run the following code: import os from langchain.llms import OpenAI from apikey import apikey import streamlit as st os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = apikey st.title("...
Mrinmoy's user avatar
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How do you create a callable variable to call a class method with arguments?

I'm trying to create a callable variable for a class method. class Person { method walk(Str $direction) { say "Walking $direction"; } } I can create a callable variable for ...
Jim Bollinger's user avatar

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