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Questions tagged [daphne]

Daphne is a HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI, and developed to power Django Channels.

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Django code freezes using Daphne on async database queries

I am running an async django application that is downloading some data. As I want the downloads to run asynchronously, I defined some async methods to run as coroutines. These methods sometimes have ...
PhaC0des's user avatar
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Django can`t find image [duplicate]

When i run my Django app with Daphne daphne -e ssl:8000:privateKey=ssl/privkey.pem:certKey=ssl/cert.pem website.asgi:application` I get WARNING Not Found: /media/images/lcg.jpg I set all setiings ...
виталик панасюк's user avatar
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What is the purpose of using daphne with django channels?

What is the primary purpose of using Daphne with Django channels, if we can already do the ASGI configuration ourselves? What is the relationship between ASGI & Daphne server?
ZahRaF's user avatar
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how to Implement non-blocking, sequential AI moves in a multiplayer chess game in django channels?

I'm developing a website to play a special with kind of chess with React and Django. It pretty much requires two games to be played at the same time. The website allows to add AI players, so the ...
newbiedev3333's user avatar
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using runserver in django runs all scripts but using daphne for production runs only

I have a problem when i setup django for production for some reason, when i use runserver it checks all the scripts and runs them all completely fine but when i run it using daphne it ignores ...
R4Y's user avatar
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Apache websocket connection using daphne uploading django project import os from django.urls import re_path from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack from import ...
kartik prajapati's user avatar
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django deploywment with daphne

I want to up my django server with run this command for in daphne: daphne -b -p 9001 core.asgi:application And this error occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/...
Hossein Sayyedmousavi's user avatar
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How to configure Daphne channels in Nginx server

I have a Django application that serves both http and websocket requests. The application is working properly in local. I have configured gunicorn and daphne services in Nginx server but Daphne ...
k_k's user avatar
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Error configuring django channels to connect to htmx

I have a problem when trying to design a realtime messaging function using channels daphne and htmx. I added channels, django_htmx to INSTALLED_APPS in, This is file: `import os ...
Quang Huy Nguyễn Đình's user avatar
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Daphne Django deployment error 'Exited with status 1/FAILURE' on linux

I have been struggling with this error for hours, when I try to start my daphne.service, shows up this error after executing the command systemctl status daphne.service. I am folliwing this tutorial: ...
Francisco Reinaudo's user avatar
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Django Channels on IIS using FASTCGI

I am deploying a Django app using an IIS server. In this Django app, I have implemented Django Channels to use websockets. Locally, everything is working fine with websocket connections, and I am able ...
Simple Sarfi's user avatar
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How can I fix my Daphne, Redis, and Ngnix configuration to support websocket connections from my frontend client?

This is my current configuration on my digital ocean droplet: Django, Django Channels, Daphne, Nginx, Gunicorn, HTTPS** I am stuck trying to configure Redis, Daphne, and Nginx. I used this walkthrough ...
CASH HOLLISTER's user avatar
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ValueError: Django can only handle ASGI/HTTP connections, not websocket

I'll try to explain in great detail what is my problem and how the project is structured. I want to make a real time chat applications. So far my project has: SignupLoginApp ProgettoDiGruppo (Main app)...
Francesco Fiume's user avatar
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Virtual enviroment - Why can't I set enviromental variable? [duplicate]

I am trying to start up daphne for my Django project. The issue is that I am not able to set up the envirometnal variable for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. I am using python venv. Path of my project is as ...
JohnnyHavlis's user avatar
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error "Failed to execute send on Websocket: Still in CONNECTING state" in Django Channels Production environment using SSL

I'm currently deploying an application using Django Channels in Production environment. The target application is based on the sample app from the official django channel documentation. https://...
Tio's user avatar
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