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Questions tagged [directed-acyclic-graphs]

Directed acyclic graphs appear in many data structures such a changeset graphs in distributed version control systems.

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How to retrive which DAG has updated a Composer Airflow Dataset

Regarding Google Cloud Composer, I have defined a DAG in this way: dataset = Dataset("//my_Dataset") dag = DAG( dag_id='my_dag', default_args=default_args, schedule=[dataset], catchup=...
domiziano's user avatar
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LLVM DAG Pattern Instruction Selection Fails after introducing a new intrinsic

I am currently expanding a RISC-V core with a custom load instruction. For this question, the specifics are unimportant. It functionally behaves like a normal load instruction and should use the same ...
Florian S.'s user avatar
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Apache airflow: No module name 'airflow'. Task failed

I installed Airflow by docker according to this video. (Windows+WSL+Ubuntu+Docker) I have file (replaced APIKEY): from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator ...
Excentricitet's user avatar
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How can I include a project's folder structure in my dbt Cloud project's DAG?

I'm looking for a way to include folder structure and other available metadata into my dbt Cloud project's DAG. While the lineage is clearly demonstrated in the DAG generated, I'm looking for a way to ...
Alfredo Di Massimo's user avatar
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Airflow DAG Import Error Avro - installed everywhere

import avro.schema ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'avro' I have this error when I try to import a DAG in Airflow. I have avro installed in the docker image as shown below: Installed /home/...
Olti93's user avatar
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Is it possible to orchestrate snowflake Notebook Job?

I have 3 note book created for different data operation . I want to orchestrate the notebook execution as per below flow Execute Notebook 1 Execute Notebook2 Execute Notebook3 Based on certain flag in ...
hari_azure's user avatar
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How to have runtime visualization of code symbols

Is there a way to generate a graph view of a run, similar to stacktrace but just have it as a graph view. Stack traces could be visualized as graphs by having the file source as the node and then ...
jon's user avatar
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Clear and automatic DAG visualization

I am trying to draw a DAG (directed acyclic graph) starting from a dataframe with 212 attributes. I am able to draw it using graphviz import graphviz G = graphviz.Digraph() for col in graph_df....
Zackbord's user avatar
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Airflow script to schedule dag for every hour has loaded data for next 5 days instead of live updates every hour

[![Postgres][1]][1] [![Airflow][2]][2] I created an Airflow script that pulls info from Open weather api and loads into Postgres database locally.The Dag is running successfully and executes every ...
Vikram's user avatar
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How to execute a DAG of tasks using

I have written the following code: ` async def execute_task(self, task_id): await self.tasks[task_id]() self.task_status[task_id] = "done" async with self.lock: ...
chunchunmaru's user avatar
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LOD algorithm nanite's style: lod selection issue

I'm implementing a LOD algorithm nanite's style. So, the selection is for group of meshlets. I use the meshoptimizer lib to perform the simplification and meshlets creation and the METIS lib to group ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Topological Sorting question. Does the values of an edge impact the order in which they are sorted?

I am currently working on the "Longest Road" Dag problem, and finished writing my topological sorting algorithm in Java. Currently I am using edges with no value associated to them, and I am ...
VampX Helix's user avatar
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Airflow sensor task, run for 3 days straight waiting for file to get added to GCS bucket

I have a DAG that currently checks a GCS bucket for a specific file that comes once a month. The problem I have is that his file will come on the 6th "Working day" of the month, which could ...
unnest_me's user avatar
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Traverse a graph to minimize the amount of nodes that are alive

A node becomes alive when it is visited and can be killed when all of it's children have been visited. A child can only be visited if all of it's parents have been visited For example for this graph ...
SzymonO's user avatar
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Airflow takes a random python file as a DAG and breaks it

I have a pipeline forlder with this structure: project forlder 1 |--project forlder 2 |-- DAGS |--dag1 |--dag2 |--utils |-- |--python folder ...
Sara 's user avatar
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