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Questions tagged [echo]

Simple function outputting text. Exists in script languages.

-1 votes
3 answers

Clarification on how PHP handles true and false values

I would like to use a true/false result to do alternative things in PHP. I was surprised by the following: $falsevar = false; $truevar = true; echo "falsevar which I just set to false is".$...
user6631314's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Reverb: WebSocket Connection failed

WebSocket connection to wss:// failed Its working on locally without any issue but in production it gives issue here is my .env for production REVERB_APP_ID=401132 ...
Muntasir Hasan's user avatar
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Building arrays in command line and calling them in a for loop as a single command

I am trying to build two arrays (arr1 and arr2 which will have the same length) in the command line to be referenced in a for loop. Building the command like this from the script, set arr1[0]="a&...
Amazonian_panda's user avatar
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Bash Command Substitution in echo/printf doesn't print result on the same line? [duplicate]

Reproducible example Consider this example: #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "[Status] $(killall --wait example)" Expected output: [Status] example: no process found Actual result (being wrong ...
GrabbenD's user avatar
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How do I keep the mysql client from echoing commands?

The mysql client on my Macbook echos command lines. Even when I turn echoing of command lines off in the shell, when I start up the mysql client it immediately begins echoing them. Then when I exit ...
Percy's user avatar
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How to cat text string and file in bash in way to preserve literal \newpage in output?

I have multiple markdown files that I am trying to concatenate into one markdown file in bash. I can concatenate markdown files and preserve “\newpage” lines, but when trying to add a group title via ...
ThinkRat's user avatar
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Echo not printing CDATA tags in Wordpress

I am creating a RSS feed in WordPress. In my functions.php, I have $content = htmlentities(strip_tags(get_the_content()), ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8'); echo '<description><![CDATA[' . $content . ']]>...
Pritam Mullick's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does the echo command in Bash shell ever write anything to stderr without an explicit redirect of the output? [closed]

Plenty of other commands/binaries would (for example wc --wrong-flag) but is echo one of them? Context: I am maintaining somebody else's Bash script, looking at the following section of it (slightly ...
Leonid's user avatar
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How to Live Reload golang REST project like nodemon in nodejs?

I want to run golang REST api project in echo labstack. for development purpose i want that when i save file it automatically refesh the api's in VS code like nodemon does in nodejs. i am trying to go ...
Vivek's user avatar
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How to reduce noise in recordings with a known audio file

I have a microphone and speaker connect to a RPI inside an art sculpture, my objective is to record new audio clips of people talking into the mic while playing back 3 random recorded audio clips. It ...
Manay Lodha's user avatar
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Trying to echo line variable along with another variable inside a while read loop

Am trying to echo a line variable along with another variable like below while read -r line;do id1=$(echo "$line"|grep...) id2=`grep "$id1"...." echo "$line" , "...
sabarish tr's user avatar
0 votes
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How to preserve newline characters in CSH when storing in a variable or echo

I have a python script which is getting called from a csh script ( I can not use bash). The python script prints out string with the newline characters and I am storing the output in a csh variable. ...
DDStackoverflow's user avatar
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MSTeams echo bot using PowerShell Azure Functions

How should one parse the chat text received as JSON payload in the request body when using an outgoing webhook as an application in a Teams group to fetch the output of a PowerShell Azure function? ...
Ayan Mullick's user avatar
-2 votes
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Echo -e on MacOS [closed]

I have a problem with printing signs \n. My script is make for bash and is set to posix=yes. When I ran program on Mac the printing to bash is done only by echo "text here". But when I ran ...
Patrik's user avatar
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Difference between tcsh and bsd-csh in terms of use of square brackets in echo

I have two simple Shell scripts that essentially do the same thing (i.e., printing all arguments), as are shown below. S1: #!/usr/bin/tcsh echo [$argv[*]] S2: #!/usr/bin/bsd-csh echo [$argv[*]] S1 ...
zanetu's user avatar
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