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Questions tagged [filenet-ce-sql]

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how to extract document size from FileNet oracle database

I am new to FileNet. Is it possible for me to write a SQL statement to retrieve the file size of the document from FileNet oracle database ? What will be the field name be?
snowfrost's user avatar
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How to join the Document and ClassDefinition objects when using SearchSQL?

I'm using FileNet P8 Content Engine 5.5.x with the Java API to construct an ad-hoc query using SearchSQL. Creating a select statement based off of the Document class is straight-forward: SearchSQL sql ...
Stephen Patten's user avatar
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Parsing of CE SQL to DB SQL

I am supporting Filenet Applications and generally focus on performance improvement techniques. Often we face this issue related to the queries optimization. Generally we get the queries from DBA and ...
Sub's user avatar
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FileNet Content Engine query comparing numbers defined as string

So I have a FileNet search query like this SELECT * from MyPurchase_Docs WHERE Purchase_Amount > 100.50 Very simple query but my problem is that Purchase_Amount is defined as string so I get ...
user2918107's user avatar
4 votes
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Query DateTime field using Date only in FileNet Content Engine

Is it possible to query using only a Date field such as '2017-03-02' in IBM FileNet? I have tried the below statement and it doesn't seem to work SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE EstimatedDate = '...
sn879's user avatar
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Adding comments to a SQL query in FileNet Content Engine

Is it possible to add comments to a query, in FileNet? I refer, in particular, to queries written via FEM. I have searched on the documentation, but I have found nothing about it. I have a large ...
Andrea's user avatar
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How to query distinct documents that contain Unordered List properties in FileNet P8?

I am trying to send a dynamically built query to FileNet 5.2 using the .Net API. The Document Class that I am trying to query has three properties in the select list that have a cardinality of ...
Rob's user avatar
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Filenet query number conversion in order by

I have this Filenet query: SELECT [This], [Ente], [IDAtto], [Numero], [Tipologia], [DataEmissione] FROM [AttoNormativo] WHERE ([DataEmissione] > 20160405T215959Z AND [...
Claudio Carli's user avatar
4 votes
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How should i proper page queries in IBM FileNet?

Are there any methods to page queries in FileNet? I have a grid control with paging so i need to get count of elements total in query and possibility to get in example page 3 of results(with any page ...
Horosho's user avatar
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FileNet - SQL for a date property between specific hours

I would like to fetch documents that a property date hour is between midnight and 4 AM. I tried this: SELECT [This], [Date], FROM Folder_Type_1 WHERE DATEPART(hh,[Date]) >= 0 AND DATEPART(hh,[Date]...
Sphax's user avatar
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