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Questions tagged [gis]

A Geographic Information System (GIS) captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location(s). The GIS Stack Exchange should be considered for questions with this tag.

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How can you use axvspan to show missing datetime data?

I am plotting data showing the water surface elevation of a creek over a 16-year time span. The data are provided in 15-minute increments, but there are missing time periods, including one that lasted ...
Juancheeto's user avatar
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OpenLayers v3 Syntax Trouble

I have been working on a project in OpenLayers v9 (most up to date) where I have a React component that requests vector tiles from a Tileserver-GL instance serving a .mbtiles file. Recently, I have ...
wade's user avatar
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gdalwarp ERROR 1: Invalid pixel size for backmap

I used following command to generate geotiff file for VIIRS NetCDF file: ./gdalwarp -geoloc -t_srs epsg:4326 -tr 0.0035 0.0035 -r near -te -70.18 -7.64 -43.96 30.91 dat.vrt i4b.tif but failed with ...
Jerry guo's user avatar
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Convert Geometry to 4326 in NetTopologySuite

I have a GeoJson file whose geometries are in 3857. I want to read it using C# and insert its rows in a postgres table and I want the geometries there to be in 4326. Also, I have some other files in ...
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Render large .asc files, with variable colormap

Suppose I have a large .asc file (matrix representing elevation, water depth, ....), in my backend and want to visualize it on the client (with openlayers). The requirements are: Smooth rendering ...
Sam's user avatar
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I can't select a table from my databricks DBs in SQL - error AnalysisException: Delta table `default`.`incidents` doesn't exist

I am just starting out in databricks using SQL, and I just want to select a table and see the fields/columns , I know the table exists when you check the DB catalog but when I try to select it using * ...
Greg Bitterman's user avatar
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R terra get corresponding cells of one raster that overlap another raster

I have a high resolution raster (highRes), and a lower resolution raster (lowRes), and I would like to return, for every low resolution cell, the values and the percent coverage of the high resolution ...
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Make simple polygon from coordinates with sf in R [closed]

I have a set of coordinates that I want to convert into a polygon (to calculate its area) using sf. However, the polygon generated by the code most people suggest for this looks like a scribble ...
AFH's user avatar
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Labelling contour lines with OGR_STYLE

I'm trying to add labels to DEM contour lines. I'm working with GDAL 3.6.2. , which I installed using Anaconda . I have some DEM data from USGS which I wrote as a contour map to a KML file using: ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Selecting GDAL driver for writing KML file from TIFF

I have some DEM data from USGS which I'm trying to write as a contour map to a KML file. I'm working with GDAL 3.4.1. , which I installed using Anaconda $ gdal_contour Downloads/...
user1592380's user avatar
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Issue projecting polygon that crosses dateline R

I have a polygon in a North America equal area projection and I would like to transform to unprojected long/lat. I would like to use it to crop a global raster in unprojected longlat. The problem is ...
Pascal's user avatar
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"snapping" polygons together in python (without ArcGIS)

I have a set of polygons that partially do not touch and partially overlap. Ideally, i would like to keep the external boundary and clean up the internal edges by "snapping" the polygons ...
Daiva's user avatar
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Remote Sensing And Geographic information system, Google Earth Engine [closed]

I want to make a system for crop health monitoring system using google earth engine how can i proceed? Can u give me idea about the data sets which i should prefer for solving the problem? I want a ...
AKASH KUMAR SINGH's user avatar
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QGIS service area analysis issue - Isochrones from Point-Layer tool

I wanted to run the “Isochrones from Point-Layer” tool under the ORS tool in the QGIS environment. But now I am getting this error. could you please tell me the reason for this error? please.enter ...
Adobe Account's user avatar
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Tile prefetching and caching for vector tile clients

I've implemented my own vector tile server that takes in requests of the form zoom/x/y and return points data in a custom format (so not GeoJSON or the standard MVT files etc). I want to render this ...
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