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Questions tagged [google-cloud-stackdriver]

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Why do I set the resource type when writing the metric but not when creating a descriptor?

This is very confusing because the docs make it sound like I choose a resource type when I'm manually creating a descriptor:
red888's user avatar
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Is there a good explanation of resource labels versus metric labels?

When writing custom metrics you have resource labels and metric labels. Resource labels are labels that are required by the resource. So if I choose the generic_task resource type and exclude the ...
red888's user avatar
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Can I create stack driver alert policies off of log analytics queries?

I can't find anything in the docs that just says yes or no. I'm not talking about log based metrics I'm talking about Log Analytics queries that create time series graphs:
red888's user avatar
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Ruby exceptions not appearing in Google Cloud Error Reporting

I have a Rails app running in GKE and I'm trying to set up Google Cloud Error Reporting. I have installed the stackdriver gem and required it on application startup. I can manually report errors from ...
brentmc79's user avatar
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GCP alert policy for pub/sub messages which are not acknowledge for more than 30 minutes

How can I create a alert policy which should trigger an alert only when it finds messages in pub/sub subscription which are not acknowledged for more than 30 minutes. I could see 2 options: unacked ...
user3839347's user avatar
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HPA unable to find "untyped" custom metric from Prometheus / Stackdriver adapter

We are using HPA with custom metrics from a Java application in GKE. (More on that in this previous question.) We would like to use a untyped metric, though. What we have done So far, we did this: ...
brandizzi's user avatar
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What's the difference between every 1m, group_by in MQL Alert vs rolling window in Google alerting

Am trying to replicate the rolling window function for GCP alerting in a MQL query. I'm finding it hard to match the 15 minute rolling window into a MQL query. See the MQL query below: fetch k8s_node |...
ibrahiminui's user avatar
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Are GCP monitoring uptime check metrics suppose to be aggregatable by user labels?

I'm trying to understand the utility of "user labels" for my uptime checks: I was expecting it to work like other resources. I want ...
red888's user avatar
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Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with Stackdriver Custom Metric in GKE fails with "Invalid metric name" error

We're trying to use a custom JVM metric (jvm_memory_bytes_used{area="heap"}) to scale a deployment in our GKE cluster using a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). Setup: Enabled Stackdriver ...
brandizzi's user avatar
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How do I increase the retention period of non-custom GCP metrics?

I'm having a hard time finding out if this is even supported because the docs don't outright say I can increase this retention at all or not:
red888's user avatar
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Post-Migration Logging Issue in Python 3 GAE Application

We have recently migrated our application from Python 2 to Python 3 on Google App Engine and are encountering a recurring issue related to logging. Despite the application's functionality appearing ...
Aryaman Agrawal's user avatar
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LoggingAppender getting `projectId` from service account key json instead of env variable `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT`

I have these two variables set in intellij GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT and SPRING_CLOUD_GCP_LOGGING_PROJECT_ID but still LoggingAppender class is getting projectId null and ultimately reading from service ...
Mehul Parmar's user avatar
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How to disable stackdriver logging in a spring application for a GCP project without creating a new docker image

I have a spring application packaged inside a docker image and running in GKE pods. I want to disable stackdriver logging but only for this application in gke. Is there any env variable/property I can ...
Mehul Parmar's user avatar
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How to reduce the Cloud SQL Logging cost in GCP?

I am currently checking for an option to reduce Cloud SQL logging cost (Cloud Logging cost in GCP). Currently the Cloud SQL instance is writing millions of log entries in stackdriver per day. Out of ...
Ananth's user avatar
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Correlating logs for App Engine Standard in Python3 using Flask

There has been many posts about this topic, but I was not able to find a definite answer on establishing correlated logs under the HTTP Request logs like it used to be in App Engine using Python 2.7 I ...
Khaled's user avatar
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