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Questions tagged [hpc]

High Performance Computing (HPC) refers to the use of supercomputers and computer clusters to solve a wide range of computationally intensive problems.

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ld cannot find -lblas -llapack while installing R package clarabel (no root access)

I totally understand if this is an incredibly specific situation which would be better directed to my system administrators instead of StackOverflow, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I am ...
ethan-pawl's user avatar
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Optimize NAMD2 on multiple nodes using OpenMPI

I'm currently running NAMD2 on a server with EPYC CPUs using the specifications below: ... #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=...
amin akbari's user avatar
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Gnu-Parallelization within a shell script

I am using GNU parallel to run 3 scripts simultaneously. This is my current shell script. #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --array=0-0 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=3 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #...
WaterDrop's user avatar
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How to use multithreading to traverse a quadtree built from a point cloud model

The simplest description of this problem is how to traverse a quadtree using multiple threads. The following figure is the quadtree model of my problem: My algorithm does not need to traverse all ...
zymaster's user avatar
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Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC

I am using Compute Canada's HPC cluster and want to download files from the cluster to a local directory. I referred to Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC for instructions and entered ...
JakeB's user avatar
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Merge several rasters into one large raster file in R with 'terra'

I have several rasters (.tif) files and want to merge them into a final large raster. Each smaller raster file is also in relatively large size. I used the terra R package's vrt function to first ...
LittleXQ's user avatar
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Run one program with different arguments in parallel with SLURM

I have a program which doesn't support multi threading. And I want to run it multiple times with different arguments in parallel. Since i have 1000 CPUs available I want it to run on different nodes ...
Huan Sohn's user avatar
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How can I let higher priority Slurm jobs pass through while not sharing individual CPUs among tasks?

My IT department kindly set me up with a Linux VM with Slurm and I'm learning commands. I'm changing numbers a bit, but let's say there are 2 nodes each with 5 cores/CPUs (I think they're the same ...
Sure Not's user avatar
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mpfr_t in custom MPI structs

I am working on converting my program to use arbitrary precision and thus I started utilizing MPFR. I had a custom MPI struct containing my data in my original code. Now that I have converted my data ...
Lucian Chauvin's user avatar
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MLFLOW Artifacts stored in remote storage not showing on UI

Set up: tracking server openstack instance mlflow tracking database on second openstack instance traring on on-prem HPC node Tracking server start python3 -m mlflow server --dev --app-name oidc-auth ...
fabio.geraci's user avatar
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METIS fails to partition a 297 nodes graph into 64 parts : bisect a graph with 0 vertices

So like said in the title, I'm trying to partition a graph using METIS. More precisely, I have a mesh that has 297 elements, so those are the 297 nodes of the graph and I want to partition it into 64 ...
Thibault Cimic's user avatar
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Not able to connect to the remote server using 'simple-ssh' package of nodejs

I have a problem connecting to the remote server using the 'simple-ssh' package of nodejs There are two issues that I am getting: Either the error shows up as => "Error: Timed out while ...
Paritosh Biswas's user avatar
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Passing a string argument to bash causes syntax error

I am trying to run a bash script for rescaling fMRI data using AFNI's 3dcalc. One of the arguments for this function is "expr" which will "Apply the expression - within quotes - to the ...
Connor Johnson's user avatar
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MLflow Tracking Server on HPC

I am considering to use MLflow in the HPC cluster from my university. However, I am concerned about what to use as a tracking server. When using MLflow on my terminal, I use localhost. I heard there ...
pseudobulbose's user avatar
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Is there any way to get the MPE (MPI Parallel Envrionment) SDK?

I want to install the MPE SDK to help me debug my MPI project, but when I turn to this link: I find that all the version of MPE ...
iQuVeauXi's user avatar

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