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Questions tagged [ip-address]

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. This is a general tag that covers both IPv4 (like and the newer IPv6 (like 2012:da8:0:1234:7:577:8:2). If you specifically mean any of these, use IPv4 or IPv6 tags.

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Preserve client IP address from OVH load balancer

Goal Set up preserved client addresses with the Istio controller. What's Wrong with the OVH Tutorial: I followed OVH's guide to preserve client IP addresses. However, it didn't solve the issue. OVH ...
Ileo's user avatar
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Azure AAD sign-in log IPs for ADFs do not match Public Azure IP Ranges

I have an app with conditional access turned on. I'm getting the IPs of my ADFs to add them to the policy. To find these IPs, I made a few sign in requests to the app from my ADFs, and looked in the ...
JasonFan's user avatar
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ip address with lwip

I am trying to get a dynamic IP address with custom mpc5775b board and ksz8041 phy device in s32 design studio for pa but I don't get an IP address. I have used eth,phy,tcpip components. I have added ...
fiyaz's user avatar
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Verify that user agent facebookexternalhit is really Facebook

I'm seeing a lot of hits on my website with the following user agent: facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+ I'm trying to verify whether it really is from Facebook ...
user984003's user avatar
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Does IPv4 address has abbreviation? [closed]

Today I mistyped the IP address of ping command by ignoring dot between zeros, like this: ping 127.001 However, the command works, it outputs: PING 127.001 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes ...
amp-likes-linux's user avatar
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How to compare IP address (whose column datatype is ARRAY of String) for a particular range in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, I have a column named as 'IP' whose Datatype is Array. I want to filter the records where IP are between the particular range. I tried below queries but throwing error in postgresql. ...
Hemavathy A's user avatar
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How can I be in the same subnet of my switch?

I'm new to networking and I have to get in the admin page for my switch to see how it's configured. It's IP address is in the subnet 192.168.0.x, while mine is in 192.168.1.x. I've tried to set a ...
ElAzazel's user avatar
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Allowing other users to access web apps through browser on my PC with AWS Client VPN

For work, we do not have a dev environment and I run a lot of the applications I work on locally. We connect to our company cloud services via AWS Client VPN. I want to allow other devs to access the ...
aCarella's user avatar
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Trying to get the client ipaddress using Jacorb transport current throws org.jacorb.transport.current - No events were available

I have tried to start the Jacorb orb with the transport current properties set in my service controller. but by adding these properties throws exceptions while starting each of my services on my ...
Anusha's user avatar
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Getting Azure front door IP Instead of client IP

Hello I am trying to fetch IP. My application is running on Microsoft Azure so remoteIpAddr and remoteHost is saving Azure Frontdoor IP. Whereas ipAddress is null .. How to fetch the Client's IP ? How ...
Wajih Haider's user avatar
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How to fetch user's (my) public IP address inside AWS CloudShell?

I'm not looking for the public IP address of CloudShell; I know that I can find it out by hitting some external website. I would like to find out what my public IP address is when I'm connected to ...
m01010011's user avatar
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request.getRemoteAddr() returns server address or client's machine address?

I am trying to fetch the IP of the client in a Spring Boot application. I send a request from my local PC, from Postman and I get the following results: String abc = request.getRemoteAddr(); // it ...
Wajih Haider's user avatar
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apache2 how to prevent automatic directory listing for all except specific ip address

I want clients to be denied automatic directory listings, other than those from specific ip addresses. What should I put in my virtual host conf file? I've tried <Directory "/var/www/...
twisted's user avatar
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How to set multiple ip addresses for the string url setting in jdbc api of Apache IoTDB?

I am now using jdbc API included in Apache IoTDB. When I try to setpublic static Connection getConnection(){String driver ="org.apache.iotdb.jdbc.IoTDBDriver'; String url = "jdbc:iotdb://127....
zlyf's user avatar
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Does the iphone private browing producing different each visit?

I am using the service called maxmind to convert visitor's ip address to location. I set up the cache in database so when the same ip addresses is requested it won't call the service but it will get ...
Shinya Koizumi's user avatar
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SQL Server Configuration Manager doesn't show the IP [duplicate]

When I try to connect Java to SQL Server, I get the error: Error: "connect timed out. Verify the connection properties. Make sure that an instance of SQL Server is running on the host and ...
EduRushian's user avatar
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Getting hostname from IP (on LAN) programmatically. Tried three methods, neither worked

I've been looking through questions and solutions to my problem (getting hostnames from a set of IPs on iOS) for a few days. Only three IP resolution methods seem to be listed for anyone, and neither ...
Afinainflowers's user avatar
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Can i use an outbound ip address as a static ip for an app service?

i have an app service in Azure , at the moment there are about 20 outbound ip addresses and client have to whitelist all these ip addresses. I want to make the app have a static ip address so i ...
Kristen's user avatar
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How can we know user location or Ip address in React? [duplicate]

I want to know user location and i tried multiple api but all of them are giving me wrong state and city name, if i don't provide ip address, like this api -> but if i pass ip ...
Pratik Kumar's user avatar
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Groovy code to fetch all available IP address from a given subnet denoted with CIDR notation

I have generated the below code with the help of Gen AI, but its returning a empty list. Can someone help me to debug this? static List<String> generateAvailableIps(String subnetCidr) { // ...
Prashant Shete's user avatar
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How to get my public ipv4 address in my android application?

I am developing an android application and need to get my device's public IPV4 address to trigger an API, how can this be done. Some approaches I have tried I am sharing below fun getIPAddress(): ...
Ripped_Asssasin's user avatar
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Arduino IDE: The IP address was not printing in serial monitor

I am currently trying to turn on and off the led in webclient so i need to get the ip address but it is not printing instead this is the output the i receive: rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RESET),boot:0x12 (...
BUGzee's user avatar
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vue js and vite does not work on HTTPS Docker-Nginx

I'm new to Docker. When accessing the application using the domain name, it shows a blank page, and the index-oyfrbKTH.js and index-oyfrbKTH.css files are not being overwritten. The logs don't ...
user23666264's user avatar
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scapy custom source address shows failure

I have a python server running on port 8000 (the simple "python3 -m http.server") and I want to send a request with a custom ip address to it, so I wrote: from scapy.all import IP, TCP, send ...
Shoto's user avatar
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Angular universal SSR 16, first call to find user's ip went from server instead of client?

I want to retrieve the client's browser IP address when running an Angular SSR application. In Angular 16, do I need to use provideModuleMap(LAZY_MODULE_MAP)? Here, Is the code I have tried. enter ...
Khushbu Gajera's user avatar
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How to restrict specif ip address only to get the access token from the keycloak

We want to create a custom authenticator to restrict the IP addresses such that particular applications coming with specific IP addresses can get the access token based on the provided client ID and ...
Praveen's user avatar
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Can't connect to NGROK server

After installing blackeye on my VM , I tried downloading and configuring NGROK SERVER but it keeps showing error when I run any command option on blackeye and it won't connect I tried deleting both ...
Mr Endowed's user avatar
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Python IP validation giving incorrect results

I'm trying to validate IP, gateway and subnet mask inputs using the ipaddress library, however I'm getting invalid results when I'm actually trying to use the validated network, which makes me think ...
user2384330's user avatar
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AuthorizationManager hasIpAddress unable to get to work with more than 1 ip address

I've been playing with spring-boot-starter-security and i've managed to get my Rest Controller to work with 1 IP whitelist, but unable to make it with many, since i need to adjust input to list from ...
rokkotnik's user avatar
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Check If Computer On Network Is Asleep Without Waking It Up (Python)

I want a quick way to check if a computer on the LAN is awake or not given its IP address (on Windows) without waking it up. I wrote the following, which works: def is_awake(ipOrName, timeout=0.05): ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Microsoft Azure Email: Upgrade to Standard SKU public IP addresses in Azure by 30 September 2025—Basic SKU will be retired

Microsoft emailed out notice to upgrade to standard public IP. I have a hard time understanding Microsoft usually, So hopefully someone can explain this to me in a better way. I am not sure how to ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to get an IP address and IP based location of another computer/user embedded on a gif without asking the users permission using javascript?

eric steel's user avatar
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I am using a Hostinger VPS cloudhost to host a django Backend , everything working fine while hosting IP address and port but not in domain?

Hosting Problem Its showing like this , But in IP address its is working fine all the images are fetching from backend... See this also coming like this but its working in IP address with port its ...
Jerold Raja's user avatar
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Problem with deploying my app with Render, MongoDB doesn't recognize and whitelist my IP and doesn't allow me to connect to the cluster

MongooseServerSelectionError Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't whitelisted. Make sure ...
Ilia Popov's user avatar
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How can my client from another device access my docker nats-server?

I have a docker nats-server running in WSL. docker run -d -p 4222:4222 -p 6222:6222 -p 8222:8222 --name my-nats-container nats:latest When I run my client on my host machine, it connects fine. But ...
Philly G's user avatar
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how can we store client ip address to database by overwritten Kubernetes IP Address?

I deployed node.js app to kubernetes and storing IP address of user to database from node.js it is always storing kubernates ip. Getting IP address in node.js const IP = req.headers["x-forwarded-...
Gauresh Warang's user avatar
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Python socket transmitting on correct interface but with wrong source address

I have a multicast system with multiple network interfaces. Packets transmitted using the socket I created are being sent out the correct interface, but the packet's source address is incorrect. The ...
Jim Fell's user avatar
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How many IP addresses that can be configured for multiple groups of ConfigNode and DataNode in Apache IoTDB?

In the distributed cluster of Apache IoTDB with 3 ConfigNodes and 3 DataNodes, how many IP addresses should I configure for the ConfigNode configuration parameter cn_target_config_node_list, and the ...
zlyf's user avatar
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How to get real client IP in the REMOTE_ADDR in PHP Apache when using NGINX proxy?

I have recently switched to VestaCP using Apache with a NGINX reverse proxy. Very soon I noticed that all incoming traffic was logged as the server IP address. This being that Apache only sees the IP ...
Hans's user avatar
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IP address is not available anymore after updating a container instance

I just try to update my existing container instance image using this command : az container create -g ressourcegroup --name sonar --image sonarqube:8.9-community --ports 9000 --location eastus --cpu ...
Faouzeya's user avatar
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How can I get the IPAddr of a non-default interface on a machine that is not mine in Python?

I am trying to lookup the (local) ipaddr for a specific non-default interface on a host that is not the one I'm running on by the name of the host and interface. socket.gethostbyname(hostname) returns ...
Andrew Caldwell's user avatar
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What does ai_addr contain?

I am currently learning socket programming and while programming I noticed that in a lot of functions you need to Pass in stuff from addrinfo*, and I understand what most of the stuff does. But my ...
Sesalin's user avatar
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Generate IP range from CIDR notation issue in powershell

I have the following powershell function, and I want to return the IP range from a CIDR. Here is the code: function ConvertFrom-CidrNotation { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [...
Sotiris Sotiriou's user avatar
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regex validation for multiple input formats from a single input

I have a situation where I should check for 2 different cases from one input. There is a validation function which validates for domain names and ipv4 and ipv6 address. Since I am accepting the ...
Razak's user avatar
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Express.js: Parsing Predomain from URL works with localhost but not with

I've implemented a simple Express.js application that extracts the predomain from incoming requests' hostnames. The code seems to be functioning correctly when I use localhost:3000, but it fails when ...
Harsh Narwariya's user avatar
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SNMP cannot get ip addr info for all devices connected to the switch

I'm try to monitor a switch with SNMP, I get a issue as below: I cannot get ip address info for all devices on the switch. Actually, which device executes the SNMP command for requesting info, only ...
Xianghui's user avatar
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Why can't I bind a TCP socket to another IP address?

At customer's site, the following piece of code is working like a charm: private IPEndPoint GetCurrentServerIpAddress() { ... return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse("192.168.13....
Dominique's user avatar
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Limiting IPs during Azure Migrate

I am preparing to use Azure Migrate and as noted in the prerequisites, I need to "allow inbound connections on WinRM port 5985 (HTTP) for discovery of Windows servers". Can this opening be ...
Louis's user avatar
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How do I change virtualmin default URL on Amazon AWS EC2 instance?

I just installed virtualmin on an Amazon EC2 instance and at the end of the installation it gave me a link to access virtualmin as https://ip_address:10000 However the instance’s IP address that is ...
user3508028's user avatar

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