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Questions tagged [jaws-screen-reader]

JAWS is a computer screen reader program for Microsoft Windows.

-2 votes
1 answer

No impression of many keystrokes jaws accessibility

I have event listener for keydown and i want to check for arrowup and arrowdown press key event. However when jaws is on, these keys are ignored. Only few key worked like ctrl, alt, tab etc. Its ...
Amit Chhetri's user avatar
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Footer in the PDF created using iTextPDF is not accessible

I have created a simple PDF here to explain the issue I am facing import; import; import
karthik b's user avatar
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JAWS - Avoid same page link announcement

I am using anchor tag with href="#dashboard" in Jaws and Chrome it is announcing "Dashboard same page link", but I want to avoid "same page link" announcement here ...
Faizan Khan's user avatar
6 votes
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What determines where the focus goes back to when clicking on a browser's back button?

As far as I can tell, it is in part determined by the HTML spec's History API1, specifically the value of history.scrollRestoration. Quoting the HTML spec's scroll restoration mode paragraph: "...
toraritte's user avatar
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JAWS doesn't announce role="region"

I just installed JAWS ( version 2024.3 for Windows 10 ) I tested the WCAG recommended audio player called AblePlayer The HTML for this player uses role="region" aria-label="audio player&...
Drkawashima's user avatar
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JAWS screen reader is reading an aria-label twice

I'm facing an issue with the JAWS reader where it is reading the column value twice. JAWS screen reader is reading twice aria-label="High Priority Reminder Subject Reminder Message Attachments ...
Deepak sahoo's user avatar
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How do I get JAWS to connect cells to headers in a Word/PDF document?

I am currently testing out a PDF document that has 8 columns and 2 rows, where the top row is the header row, and the second row is the main data connected to the top row. I need to to connect the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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JAWS reading disabled span element

I am working with Angular js code which will enable a radio button dynamically in a span. `<span data-ng-if="(!object.enabled || (form && !form.enabled))" class="rf-...
Nizampatnam's user avatar
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JAWS 2024 Need to remove word "region" while getting region names

I am working in JAWS 2024, I have created documents regions with name "Question" and "Exhibit". While using shortcut key (insert+alt+r) it is showing the name like "Question ...
Himanshu Suyal's user avatar
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JAWS announces document after tabbing to the next element after an iframe

Currently working on a web application that uses an iFrame. Once i navigate to the next element after the iFrame, which is a button, has type=“button”, and the word ‘Cancel’ in it, JAWS announces ‘...
matt-singleton's user avatar
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JAWS screen reader does not read headings/paragraph text in vscode webview

I'm building a vscode extension which has multiple webviews that are expected to be accessible with JAWS screen reader. While JAWS correctly reads the information of tab-able controls in the UI along ...
Darshana Suresh's user avatar
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JAWS is not reading list inside role="textbox" aria-readonly="true"

I am using JAWS v2023.2212.23 I have a div container inside that we have paragraph and lists. My requirement is that when I focus on my div container jaws should read the entire block. With ...
user1638583's user avatar
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No dialog role is announced by JAWS screen reader when dialog is appear in the screen

I have created a dialog component in react using MUI library. I am working on WCAG 2.0 integration and testing the component in Chrome + JAWS. No role "dialog" is announced by the screen ...
Vikash Kumar's user avatar
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Bootstrap model Header Text Repeated Several Times While Focusing in a Custom MultiSelect Component in JAWS

The custom MultiSelect dropdown component is placed inside a Bootstrap modal. If the MultiSelect component is focused, JAWS reads the Bootstrap modal header each time the user selects a value. The ...
UdhayaKumar Duraisamy's user avatar
0 votes
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Blue accessibility frame around elements in Slack after using JAWS screen reared

I had a screen reader JAWS installed for some time, then I properly uninstalled it from the All Apps setting in Windows. After that when Grammarly (text corrector) is launched, there's a blue box ...
Oleg's user avatar
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2 answers

Do screen readers understand HTML escape characters (like &quot; for double quotes)?

I'm updating a aria-label value method that's currently escaping the value to be safely used in a HTML element attribute. So it would convert <span> abc" to &lt;span&gt; abc&#34;...
Evry's user avatar
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1 answer

Trap ARROW KEY navigation on modal using Screen Readers

I'm dealing with an issue trying to trap the navigation inside a modal using TAB/ARROW keys. Was using a function like this to avoid the keys action to being triggered: component....
Myst's user avatar
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JAWS is not announcing Button state collapsed /expanded for a menu button when aria-haspopup="menu"

I have a menu button like this <app-my-buton [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Open Content"></app-my-buton> but ...
Explorer's user avatar
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JAWS not reading the screen automatically after windows is launched

I am using JAWS 2023, JAWS is not reading the contents of the webpage when I launch the application, I know we can use sayAll command but as per my requirement JAWS has to read the contents on webpage ...
har123's user avatar
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3 answers

There should be only one H1 heading on a single page

I was told by the accessibility team that there should be only one H1 on a single page. Ref on the internet:
kenpeter's user avatar
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I am using NVDA and its reading the close button multiple times ,but in jaws its reading perfectly

This is the code for that close button which is part of the modal pop up... <h2 class="sc-ejdXBC byjYiM MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 sc-EoWXQ kOYWJk MuiDialogTitle-root" id="...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Difference data-ng-attr-style vs ng-style

Using JAWS I am not able to navigate into the tree view when I am using the attribute data-ng-attr-style but the navigation is working fine when ng-style is used. Currently using chrome: 111 jaws: ...
Alex Sparrow's user avatar
-1 votes
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How should a screen reader read a website?

I'm doing an accessibility analysis of a site, and for the first time I'm using a screen reader (jaws) to verify that the site is readable. What I don't understand is whether the site is actually good....
Zeld's user avatar
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How to make screen reader read the Live-region text first and input button label after

I've added a button which have aria-label attribute set and an event listener is added to that button. <button onClick: toggleFavourite(), aria-label = "favourite button label">...
Parth Kalaria's user avatar
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Accessibility narrator reading the model class name instead of grid content of WPF application

In my WPF application, there is a grid view with three columns as Name, City, and Country. Please see the model class: public class Employee { public string Name { get; set; } public string ...
Vignesh VS's user avatar
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Jaws is reading input field of above fieldgroup

<div class="ms-Panel-content content-410"> <div class="panelSubheadingStyle-396"> We recommend you keep only one phone number and one address in your profile for easy ...
Sarfraj Ansari's user avatar
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focus not going to listitems in browse mode nvda

similar thing happening here with this code. Browse mode focus not going to list items. {<ul style=" margin: 0px; padding: 0px; "><li class="...
Sarfraj Ansari's user avatar
0 votes
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In browse mode nvda is reading whole information present in the section

.ProfileSubHeadTitleLinkStyle-181 { display: flex; margin-top: 36px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 24px; justify-content: space-between; } .ProfileSubHeadTitleStyle-182 { font-size: ...
Sarfraj Ansari's user avatar
0 votes
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How to best format thumbnails for accessibility?

I am frequently tasked with displaying a grid of thumbnails for work, such as on a posts/articles page, with each thumbnail linking to a separate post/article, but I have never really been sure of the ...
kloddant's user avatar
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NVDA reads the first letter of the word, then the word from the autocomplete dropdown list

I am working on .NET MVC project and I have problem with NVDA and JAWS reader on the dropdown list. It is the dropdown autocomplete list, and when I am navigating with the keyboard, it was reading ...
layla's user avatar
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Keyboard navigation in custom drop down without using javascript

I have an angular app in which there is a component that has div style as button and clicking it open or close another list of div. I need to make this app accessible. I can handle enter with angular (...
goku's user avatar
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JAWS repeating description when pressing keys to type

I'm trying to fix an issue with JAWS 2023, when I hit some key in these textboxes it announces like this: if I type "P" on the textbox, it's announced as "P username P" or "P ...
Myst's user avatar
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Using aria-describedby and a screenreader-only element, not read out by some screenreaders

I am attempting to give screenreader users some additional information about a list of links and what they represent. Rather than putting an aria-label on a <ul>, which I understand is ...
user1486133's user avatar
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How to make screen reader announce text when app is not active?

I have an app that is running in the background not focused. The user might be using some other applications, and based on certain events in my app, I want the screen reader to announce the text based ...
Gurushant's user avatar
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JAWS screen reader breaking keyboard navigation in select list

We are using a component that creates a drop down select that ends up looking like this. With the JAWS software closed keyboard navigation works perfectly well to move between the items in the search ...
Kenji776's user avatar
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Keyboard selection doesn't generate range object

I am currently trying to create an annotation tool that is also usable for blind users with a screen reader like JAWS. My tool is web-based so I can manipulate the DOM with JavaScript. The user is ...
Alex's user avatar
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NVDA and JAWS screen reader is announcing unwanted text when readmore button is activated

NVDA-FF and JAWS-Chrome>, when read more element is activated while traversing through tab navigation then screen reader announces the unnecessary information along with the updated content. When ...
Dhulipati Sree Mallika Bhargav's user avatar
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Jaws Chrome - on tab focus on button announcing lot other information

When we do tab focus on edit button, it is announcing lot other information including job title, description and aria-label of others button that are check and cross and other issue when we focus on &...
Faizan Khan's user avatar
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In JAWS while closing the accordion jaws focus is going to next item

JAWS and chrome> while collapsing the element, the focus is being shifted to the next element instead of having it on the same element. Steps to reproduce the issue: tab to first element and ...
Syed Salikh Ikram's user avatar
0 votes
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How to make a div element navigable by arrow keys when using JAWS

I would like to make a div element navigable by arrow keys when JAWS is running. The div should not be navigable using the TAB key; so using tabindex is not applicable. Here is an example snippet of ...
aikind's user avatar
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My screen reader is not reading content inside the div tag with role button

<div role="button" aria-label="Open" tabindex="0"> <span title="open file">go to file</span> </div> My screen reader is reading ...
SONU SHARMA's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make JAWS not read an anchor tag as link but as button

I have a requirement where I have an anchor tag in my HTML page. <a aria-label="Back Button" class="secondary-button btn-font" title="Back" ngClass="btn-font"...
Raj's user avatar
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Screen reader not reading the text based on radio button changes

I have two different captions (say Caption A and Caption B) for a single table that display based on the selection of the radio buttons. My screen reader is reading the default caption 'Caption A', ...
Geek's user avatar
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How to read data in highcharts using screenreaders (NVDA)

I am using NVDA to check the accessibility of highcharts and the screen reader does not read the contents inside the highcharts. I cannot use the tab or arrow keys to go to the next value and read the ...
Vinu Philip's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Accessibility and complex HTML forms: How to use headings between form controls?

A client needs to create quite a complex form. We use <fieldset>/<legend> to group certain elements together. But it's not enough - even if we nest them. Think about the following: <...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
1 vote
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JAWS is reading the form labels twice instead of single time

I faced some strange behavior with the JAWS reader where it was reading the question labels twice. In the below code, I added an aria-labelledby for the radio group which referenced the question id ...
Geek's user avatar
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Screen reader not reading headings with only 1 character

I am fairly new to working with accessibility and am encountering an issue with JAWS and Narrator screen readers wherein it couldn't read numbers/letters that consist of only 1 character. Below is a ...
wanderingF00l's user avatar
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Screen Reader message for closing modal

We have a requirement where we are having hard time implementing. User closes modal via "X" or "Cancel" button. The screen reader should tell the user that pop-up is closed and ...
Prerit's user avatar
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3 answers

JAWS screen reader scrolls the FireFox page up/down with arrow keys instead of navigating between elements

I'm using JAWS 2022 for a11y testing. Everything works fine on Chrome and worked fine for a while on FireFox, too, until recently. Suddenly I can't navigate between the elements using the arrow keys. ...
testaway's user avatar
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How to prevent JAWS from reading password when typing any key on keyboard?

Jaws is reading passwords. How can I prevent it from reading the password while I am at the password field? I started typing my password and it announces my password. Also, how can I prevent it from ...
Amit Maurya's user avatar

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