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8,467 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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7k views event origin/target? passed to the handler is the dropdown itself, not the element starting the event. How can I get the element that started the event from the event ...
Ezra Bailey's user avatar
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9 votes
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Jcrop in Bootstrap Modal crops wrong coordinates

I'm using the code from this tutorial from my Jcrop script: It works well as long as I don't put the image into ...
user1049961's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Bootstrap Datepicker scrolling issue

Experiencing a strange scrolling issue on my website where the bootstrap datepicker calendar doesn't stay with the input box that its attached to. Tried my best to recreate it in a jsfiddle. (in the ...
zen_1991's user avatar
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7 votes
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Bootstrap 4 using setCustomValidity to populate .is-invalid

In the bootstrap docs it states: You may provide custom validity messages with setCustomValidity in JavaScript. I read this to mean that the validity mesage will populate the .is-invalid element ...
Matthew Dolman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

jasny bootstrap offcanvas doesn't scroll on phones

I have created a side menu using jasny bootstrap add-on. The markup is rather simple: <div class="navmenu navmenu-inverse navmenu-fixed-right offcanvas-sm sidemenu"> <ul class="nav ...
kfirba's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can I force a Bootstrap table to resize wider than its parent container?

I am creating a spreadsheet-like application using a Bootstrap table. A user can toggle column visibility, add/delete columns, resize, etc. I need the table to be able to scroll horizontally when a ...
Niel Sarvari's user avatar
6 votes
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Change Bootstrap 3.0 Navbar default resize to custom resize

I am trying to make a dynamic mobile website which adjusts depending on screen size. Here is what the navbar does at the moment: At 766px width: 768px width: 990px width: 992px width: I ...
smj2393's user avatar
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6 votes
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Twitter's bootstrap typeahead - how to allow values from the list only?

Is there any way to allow user to choose values from predefined list only with Twitter's bootstrap typeahead? Ideally, each text value should be replaced with some numeric value (how it is possible ...
LA_'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Implementing infinite scroll in Bootstrap modal?

I'm trying to implement infinite scroll in a Bootstrap modal. I've tried several infinite scroll libraries but none of them have worked within a modal. Here's what my code looks like right now. When ...
user498641's user avatar
5 votes
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Having trouble setting up Bootstrap + jQuery + easyAutocomplete in Rails 6

I have been reading articles/forums and followed some guides on how to set it up however I'm still having trouble running bootstrap and jquery. Installed bootstrap, jquery and easyAutocomplete via ...
Adrian0012's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

datepickertime jquery/bootstrap not displaying properly

I'm trying to get a datetimepicker, this is my refs: <script src=""></script> <link href="~/bootstrap-...
Amanda Eriksson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Remove bootstrap 4 tooltip on page scroll on mobile and re-enable on tap on toggle icon

I am using bootstrap 4 tooltip and on mobile since tap acts as hover and it doesn't disappear, the tooltip looks weird on page scroll. So to fix it, I hide the tooltip on page scroll using $(window)...
Lucian's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to toggle display on content using multiple Bootstrap 4 display classes in concert

I'm struggling to find a clean way to click toggle the display of a side navigation bar while using several of Bootstrap 4's display classes because of their use of !important. For example, Here's ...
Daemios's user avatar
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How can I change the number of Bootstrap Carousel Items based on screen size?

On large screens I want each carousel slide item to have 3 columns, each with their own content... <div class="carousel-item active"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4 ...
bwoogie's user avatar
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Getting jQuery and Bootstrap 4 JS working with Webpack and Middleman

Trying to get jQuery loaded up on my Webpack Config using Middleman. I'm trying to use: Middleman 4.2.1 Bootstrap 4 Beta jQuery 3 I have Bootstrap's CSS loading but now having problems trying to ...
Wasabi Developer's user avatar

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