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Questions tagged [jquery-ui-datepicker]

A datepicker widget from jQuery-ui which allows the user to select a date from a popup or inline calendar

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React DatePicker - Click outside day of month and calendar auto close, can't not select end date?

React DatePicker - Click outside day of month and calendar auto close, can't not select end date? When i clicked April 30 then React DatePicker auto close. And I not choose end date. enter image ...
user24927531's user avatar
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Iterate through Datepicker dates and add aria-selected='true' to the currently selected date with .ui-state-active

I have multiple date pickers on a page and I'm trying to iterate through the dates to find the currently selected date and add aria-selected='true' to the currently selected date with the class of.ui-...
user1615351's user avatar
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Why is my Bootstrap datepicker being duplicated if opened too early?

I have a datePicker in my code and when I open the datepicker before all requests are done when they are done it's adding a inline-datepicker inside my datepicker dropdown here's my code <div class=...
Asl's user avatar
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jQuery date picker manual trigger

I have a working version of jQuery date picker, Just need to implement 2 more enhancements to it The calendar function is not invoking while clicking the Date Icon, however if I click the text field ...
Techie's user avatar
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Displaying a custom woocommerce cart fee based on a custom datepicker field selection

Party Rental Equipment website. Using the JQuery datepicker in 3 woocommerce_form_field, one for Event Date, One for Delivery Date, and one for Pickup Date. I am trying to charge a $440 extra fee if ...
dtheyer's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker does not work on a newly opened blank window

I tried apply jquery datepicker on a newly opened blank window (opened with <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> ...
Csirmaz Kalman's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker not setting 90days or 3months from the month selected in Jquery

I have 2 dates fromDate and ToDate in which I want to implement a logic where if in FromDate is selected todays date, in ToDate the date should be active or enabled till previous 90 days or 3 months. ...
hud's user avatar
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JQuery Datepicker display date format

I have a working version of jQuery datepicker which is defaulted to today's date and display in below format, I needed to format the display date like below. How can I do it? Here is the JS code ...
Techie's user avatar
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Screen reader doesn't read cell value when moving accros the datepicker grid

I have the following datepicker. The problem is that when running screen reader (NVDA), when moving the selection on the datepicker grid to different cells using keyboard, the screen reader just says &...
havij's user avatar
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Datepicker does not work of a form created using php and html

I am trying to use datepicker in a form which is created in a php file. I can see the datepicker icon on the webpage but when I click on that it does not work. However, when I create this form on a ...
Ujjawal 's user avatar
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jquery DateTimePicker - Grab day of week in selection

I'm trying to add a hidden field when a user selects a date to show the day that it rests on. I looked in the documentation on using the dateFormat but can't seem to render this. So the date shows up ...
Keith's user avatar
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Disable all Sundays and some specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker

I am trying to disable all Sundays and some specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker. These conditions, together, don't work in my code. Only sundays are getting disabled. Here is the code var array = [,...
user22409362's user avatar
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Add custom class on x-number of days (months/years) on jQuery UI datepicker dates (each td)

I am trying to dynamically add a class to a number of "td" within the jQuery UI datepicker based on the values from "periodValue" and "periodType". I am having serious ...
Houghtonator's user avatar
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how to add date picker in django meta class widget

below are my script and a meta class in, i want to add date picker in my app but the date is not showing on the field. enter image description here <script> $(function () { ...
almajalisee's user avatar
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Compare value of jQuery Datepicker with the value of an Advanced Custom Fields field [duplicate]

I have a page with a jQuery Datepicker. Once the value is selected, I want to be able to store it in a PHP variable, so I can compare it with a variable I am getting from an Advanced Custom Fields ...
JMA's user avatar
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