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Questions tagged [junit]

Popular unit testing framework for Java and Scala. The latest version, JUnit 5, supports rich annotation-based and parameterized tests. Consider using in conjunction with the Java or Scala tag to indicate your use case.

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SpringBootTest with Togglz

I just recently added togglz to the spring-boot 3.1.9 application, which contains also much stuff like spring-security, spring-data, etc. Maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org....
Georgii Lvov's user avatar
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JerseyTest and Mockito - problem with mocking an object

My aim is to learn a little bit about mocking objects in the context of Jersey Test. I have 3 classes: ServiceController package com.vogella.jersey.first; import*; import
lewap02's user avatar
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Dependency not getting mocked in unit test

I am trying to run a unit test for my springboot controller as: @WebMvcTest(controllers = MyController.class) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) public class MyControllerTest { @Autowired ...
Mandroid's user avatar
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ParameterizedTest JUNIT5 with suspend functions

I'm trying to clean a little bit my code and when testing my datasource I'm repeating a lot the test that returns connection and service error, and I'd like to have a bunch of code that tests ...
StuartDTO's user avatar
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Junit expecting a 400 response but getting a 200

I am trying to test my springboot controller /save endpoint. I want to test that if you send a json request with a null agency name you should get back a 400 status and the response "Agency Name ...
Abby's user avatar
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Spring Boot microservices with JWT (Cannot run Integration test (401 Unauthorized Error))

I try to implement an example of Spring Boot microservices with JWT. I have some problem. I cannot run all integration tests of product service even if I defined bearer token in terms of admin and ...
jacksondel's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.4 (Community Edition) + Mac OS 11.5.2 : Build > "Writing Classes" is very slow [closed]

IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.4 (Community Edition) + Mac OS 11.5.2 I'm trying to debug JUnit test case but it's observed that "Writing Classes" is very slow. It takes more than 3+ minutes to start ...
vikramvi's user avatar
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Unit test for a method that does a map lookup [closed]

I am new to Kotlin and I am writing unit test for a method that tries to load a value from a map defined at class level (kind of like a local cache) and returns if the value is found otherwise a ...
Waqas Haider's user avatar
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doAnswer Mockito: Behaving strange and not verifying the mocked listener [closed]

I am trying to test the API call method, since this API is final I can not extend and create Test Doubles, so I have used Mockito to stub the functionality after initializing this API, I created Test ...
Nadin Martini's user avatar
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Stubbing error while mocking WebClient using Mockito

Based on answers to previous questions like these, I am trying to mock WebClient in a unit test. Please note that I don't wish to use WireMock or MockWebserver. source method: public class ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
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I cant init my webclient in a test with mockito

I'm working on a project with java spring boot 2.x and java 1.8. In my pom i got the dependencies of junit 4.13.2 and mockito 3.12.4. When i try to run my test i got the problem that my setup function ...
Juan Federico Di Leo's user avatar
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How to mock Files API from java.nio.file.*

I am using Java nio API and have a below code, but unable to perform mocking on the below code. Path path = Paths.get(filePath); long sizeInBytes = Files.size(path); long recordCount = 0; try (Stream&...
Prateek's user avatar
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JUnit 5 - Migration - Custom test annotation no longer detected?

I had the following custom test annotation that worked in JUnit4 that IntelliJ and JUnit no longer wants to recognize: @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE }) @Retention(RUNTIME) ...
David S's user avatar
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pytest failing to generate xml correctly

Unable to generate junit xml file correctly, after a failure generation of the file stops and no further tests are executed. The command works without the junit argument. I have also tried adding '-...
James's user avatar
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SimpleAgedCache: Why can't I get my SimpleAgedCache to pass its tests?

I'm new to coding and programming, and I found an interesting SimpleAgedCache exercise on GitHub that uses JavaScript. I feel like I've done the correct coding, and the exercise should pass its tests. ...
Charles Galicia's user avatar

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