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Questions tagged [klist]

Windows command that displays a list of currently cached Kerberos tickets

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Kerberos SSO - klist get - should it work for every domain user?

I'm integrating SSO(Kerberos) with Keycloak (...) In the process of troubleshooting this: When using the klist get command: >klist get HTTP/ Current LogonId is 0:0x145d2d ...
francisMi's user avatar
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VB.Net app won't launch klist.exe executable (even from full path)

Have a VB.Net app wherein I am trying to call klist.exe to purge cached Kerberos tickets. Dim klist As New ProcessStartInfo("C:\Windows\System32\klist.exe") klist.Arguments = "purge&...
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Why is kerberos collection not listing valid principals?

Each cache in folder: $ ls -l ~/mycache total 20 -rw------- 1 username username 998 Jan 1 10:18 a.REALM.cache -rw------- 1 username username 1778 Jun 6 14:58 b.REALM.cache -rw------- 1 username ...
yitzchak24's user avatar
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Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)

*which credentials should be provided in kerebros for this exception to resolve when running apache crunch mapreduce pipleline? No difference after logged in through kinit command. * Logs are as ...
Manoj Manjunath's user avatar
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Windows API to get information about cached Kerberos tickets

I understand that I can get what I need by running "klist.exe" and parsing the output, but I'm wondering if there is a Windows/C#/Powershell API to get information about cached Kerberos tickets on ...
arainchi's user avatar
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klist not updating group membership

A have a network folder with a group permissions. When I update the group with new permissions, I can't get the users computer to update group membership without a logoff I'm trying to update group ...
Allan Jensen's user avatar
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Kerberos cache user how it works

I have a question regarding the kerberos sytem. I suceed installing on my linux machine in colaboration with apache but i don't understand a thing. If the user is still logged in, I mean he can access ...
IleNea's user avatar
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Determining IWA Implementation

I work with a few client software and web applications that aren't clear on which type of IWA they allow for authentication. I've read the manuals/guides to no avail. They contain checkbox features ...
ForensicsGuy's user avatar
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Kerberos: kinit on Windows 8.1 leads to empty ticket cache

I installed Kerberos for Windows on a new set-up Windows 8.1 machine. Domain: not set Workgroup: WORKGROUP I edited the krb5.ini file in C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5 directory like this: [...
D. Müller's user avatar
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Kerberos authorization to add another user

I am doing Ansible setup on Linux to connect Windows (host) machine, I have successfully connected using KERBEROS method. I have added user using the following command: kinit -C [email protected] ...
naren's user avatar
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Kerberos key Lifetime

I have a HTTP service running on my domain. But I have few doubts regarding how the life time for my HTTP service is decided. how long can a client be able to use my HTTP service ?
PeeKay's user avatar
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bash error "date: invalid date `24/06/2013 21:22'" with Debian but not with RHEL?

I am using a script that creates two variables based on what it finds in any given Kerberos ticket. The kerberos ticket, referenced as $TCACHE, would look like this ... : Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/...
user2516975's user avatar
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How do I aquire an encoded kerberos ticket in windows?

On a windows client, I have a service ticket for a web service (I can see the ticket with klist), and I am trying to write an app to get the encoded service ticket and pass it on to the service (over ...
ellipse-of-uncertainty's user avatar
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Are HList/KList suitable as method parameter? How to refer to? Type List?

I discovered HList / KList, they are pretty cool. I have an actual use case, in which heterogenously typed and variable length containers with conserved type information would be very useful (for more ...
ib84's user avatar
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Scala shapeless KList with extra constraint

I want to take this pattern: def accept[T](a: RList[T]) = true def accept[T, V](a: RList[T], b: RList[V])(implicit ev: a.S =:= b.S) = true def accept[T, V, Q](a: RList[T], b: RList[V], c: RList[Q])...
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