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Questions tagged [mootools]

MooTools is a compact, modular, object-oriented prototypal JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent API.

63 votes
5 answers

Cross domain iframe issue

For say i have a Site called on which iframe is embedded of domain, now i want to read the content of iframe and pass some parameter to display a textual message. Like Hi with ...
Kunal Vashist's user avatar
208 votes
11 answers

event.preventDefault() function not working in IE

Following is my JavaScript (mootools) code: $('orderNowForm').addEvent('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); allFilled = false; $$(".required").each(function (inp) { ...
sv_in's user avatar
  • 14k
539 votes
28 answers

Comparing date part only without comparing time in JavaScript

What is wrong with the code below? Maybe it would be simpler to just compare date and not time. I am not sure how to do this either, and I searched, but I couldn't find my exact problem. BTW, when I ...
moleculezz's user avatar
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251 votes
27 answers

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

I am running an AJAX call in my MooTools script, this works fine in Firefox but in Chrome I am getting a Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : error, I cannot determine why. Commenting out code to ...
trobrock's user avatar
  • 47k
20 votes
3 answers

jQuery and MooTools Conflict

Okay, so I got jQuery to get along with MooTools with one script, by adding this at the top of the jQuery script: var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); and then replacing every: $( with $j( But how ...
flipflopmedia's user avatar
89 votes
2 answers

CSS selector for targeting only immediate children and not other identical descendants

I have a nested sortable list that can have items dynamically added or removed and can be nested n-levels deep. On nesting, a new ul element is injected into whatever li element is selected to be the ...
VirtuosiMedia's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

How well does jQuery support backward compatibility?

We have had issues with Mootools not being very backward compatible specifically in the area of drag and drop functionality. I was wondering if anyone has had any similar problems with jQuery not ...
Josh Mein's user avatar
  • 28.5k
32 votes
4 answers

Javascript detect scrollbar in textarea

I was wondering if anybody knows how I would go about detecting when the scrollbar appears inside a textarea. I am currently using mootools for my JavaScript and I am having issues getting it to ...
Jamie's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Retrieve width/height of a css3 scaled element

I'm fighting against an oddity (I think) of the offsetWidth property. this is the scenario: I've got, let's say, a span tag, in my js, at a certain point I perform a css3 transform to this element, ...
holographix's user avatar
  • 2,527
30 votes
5 answers

Change the options array of a select list

Is there a way to change the options array of an html select list using javascript or mootools? I need to replace the entire options set with a new one. In my ajax response I receive an array ...
cksrc's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Adding event to element inside Google Maps API InfoWindow

I want to put a form with input field and submit button inside a Google Maps API (v3) InfoWindow. When submitted I would like to call a function that initiates the directions service using the ...
timwjohn's user avatar
  • 377
18 votes
6 answers

a simple question on jquery closure

what does this mean? (function($){ })(jQuery); to make the question clearer, what does wrapping a function in parenthesis mean in JS (sorry, I'm a bit confused on the concept of closures). What ...
yretuta's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I focus on an input field when a phonegap page loads?

I would like to focus on a text input in a PhoneGap application when the page loads. I have tried the MooTools version $('entry').focus(); and document.getElementById('entry').focus() when the DOM is ...
827's user avatar
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98 votes
3 answers

Simplest way of getting the number of decimals in a number in JavaScript [duplicate]

Is there a better way of figuring out the number of decimals on a number than in my example? var nbr = 37.435.45; var decimals = (nbr!=Math.floor(nbr))?(nbr.toString()).split('.')[1].length:0; By ...
PhilTrep's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Retrieving percentage CSS values (in firefox)

I have a problem retrieving the exact css property value (in '%') on firefox. Suppose we have this extremely simple markup: <div id="box">box</div> and this css: #box{ width:200px;...
stecb's user avatar
  • 14.6k

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