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Questions tagged [nextjs14]

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Why using both app router bundle size is big when used along with page router?

I have a working application that use Nextjs page router. I got a task to create new landing page, and decided to use app router. But when I create hello world page and build it, the bundle size is ...
principiorum's user avatar
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How to fix the following clappr player error in next js

Browser errorImplementationConsole error Bug is occured when player component is unmounted. This is implemented on media web-site for streaming format media source. There is no any bug when the player ...
Abbosjon Nosirov's user avatar
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Can't use percentage or window to calculate px value in React Swiper

I use NextJS 14, and here is my code "use client"; import { type ReactNode, useRef } from "react"; import { type Swiper as SwiperType } from "swiper"; import { Swiper } ...
Khuyen Ho's user avatar
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how to add text annotations to text notes in a react nextjs 14 (app router) app

I am trying to build an app that allows users to comment on legal judgments. i have judgments and notes in my app. notes are made on the text of judgments. At the moment, when a user selects an area ...
Mel's user avatar
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cannot enter the url manually after writing a middleware in nextjs14 (app router)

since i've added the middleware which i will provide to you, i cannot enter the urls manually and it errors out. i'm using "next-intl" internationalization and i created a middleware to ...
Nima Moradi's user avatar
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How can I show a loader until the DOM is fully ready in Next.js 14 APP router? [closed]

I'm currently working with Next.js 14 APP router and I need to implement a global loader that displays until the DOM is fully ready. Could you provide a detailed explanation of how to achieve this? ...
Ebrahim Khalil Amid's user avatar
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In NextJs, the page is not reloading even when the params are changed. How to reload page when params are changed?

I am currently on http://localhost:3000/?groupId=chicago&dayOfWeek=tuesday and when I press a button on a component, it should take me to another day, like thursday. However, it's not happening ...
abhiramrp's user avatar
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Next.js revalidateTag not working as expected with route handler

I'm working on a Next JS application where I need to revalidate tags after a user submits a quest. The revalidateTag seems to not trigger the route handler correctly. Here's the setup: Also, for all ...
degen balls's user avatar
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PDFKit library working in Express.js but not in Next.js API route

I'm working on a project where I need to generate PDFs using the pdfkit library. I've managed to get it working in an Express.js server, but I'm facing issues when trying to do the same in a Next.js ...
Chowdhury Tafsir Ahmed Siddiki's user avatar
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NextAuth Middleware Failing to Retrieve Token in Production

I'm using NextAuth in a Next.js application with a custom credentials provider. Everything works perfectly on my local development environment, but in production (deployed on Vercel), the middleware ...
Aditya Salve's user avatar
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Warning: Maximum update depth exceeded. on react-hook-form unregister set state

i've got Maximum update depth exceeded aka "infinite loop" in my react-lifecycle, i've handled it with unmounted but my code still error. this bellow is my current conditional code using ...
ridhoajibx's user avatar
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NextJS: Reloading Ads on Route Change

I'm trying to run ads on my Next.js 14 site. They work fine on initial load, but the ads disappear when I navigate to a second page. I tried solutions from following sources, but none of them worked ...
bresai's user avatar
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How to refresh routes in next js 14 app router?

I am trying to get my nextjs app to refresh routes after a form submits, so that i can update data on the page, without refreshing the browser. I have these server actions: 'use server'; import { ...
Mel's user avatar
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Loader is not shown for root path in Next.js 14 app

Implementation I am currently implementing a web app using Next.js 14. I want to add a loader component which is displayed while the page is being loaded. For this I used the loading.tsx file, just as ...
Felix's user avatar
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Unhandled Runtime Error Error: Expected a suspended thenable. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue

I am implementing next-intel to provide translations for French and Arabic audiences, currently I have come to the theme provider and locale selector configuration which worked great without any ...
Miftah Classifieds's user avatar

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