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Questions tagged [nuxt-content]

Use this tag for questions related to Content module of Nuxt.JS. This module is optional for Nuxt projects and provide ability to fill project with content using Markdown, JSON, YAML, CSV and XML files. Shortly - Git-based CMS

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Automatically prepend image URLs in Nuxt Content

With Nuxt Content v2, is there a reasonable way to provide front-matter data in markdown documents to components used inside the markdown without passing it as explicit props? For example: --- title: &...
Matt Sanders's user avatar
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How to handle folders in nuxt content? And how to connect with a nuxt app?

currently this is my nuxt content application: components/ Report.vue content/ report1/ report2/ where content/ contains a list of the ...
David 天宇 Wong's user avatar
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I keep getting error anytime I try deploying a Nuxt-app from my github repo to vercel

[error] [nitro] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received function "this is the error I saw on vercel when I checked why it didn't deploy&...
Olukayodeasemudara's user avatar
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How can I render a text of markdown in nuxt v3.11.2 using @nuxt/content v2.12.1

Make sure it is rendering on the server side for SEO reasons. <script setup lang="ts"> const markdown = "# hello world" </script> <template> <LayoutContent&...
YousefHusain's user avatar
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how to get data from markdown file and send it to component using nuxt content

i add nuxt content to my project nuxt.config.ts // export default defineNuxtConfig({ devtools: { enabled: true }, css: ['~/assets/css/main.css'],...
Zemmari Azzedine's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 website integrate with Decap CMS with nuxt content. Cms content not showing after deploy website through netlify

Hello guys I need some help with nuxt content and Decap CMS work together on live.I have tried to set my file nuxt.config.ts file to target 'static". It still doesn't work. Here is my yaml setup ...
TheTalentedRipley's user avatar
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Problem with highlighting code in markdown files with shikiji - Nuxt.js

I'm creating a blog website using Nuxt.js and Nuxt content module that use markdown files and higlight code block with "shikiji", but when I'm building project I see warning in console: WARN ...
Karol's user avatar
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Nuxt content Type 'ParsedContent | null' is not assignable to type 'Record<string, any> | undefined'

I'm testing @nuxt/content but fail to get a working demo with a simple example. ERROR(vue-tsc) Type 'ParsedContent | null' is not assignable to type 'Record<string, any> | undefined'. /...
Tib's user avatar
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How can I access context's req in Nuxt3?

How can I access context's req in Nuxt3? nuxt2 asyncData({req}) { const body = req.body; } I used useRequestEvent().req.body and useNuxtApp().event.req.body. but both is undefined. nuxt3 const event =...
Yumi Park's user avatar
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How to use a dynamic path with Nuxt-Content?

I'm trying to display a document of a Nuxt-Content folder with a dynamic path : <script setup lang="ts"> const n = ref(1) </script> <template> <div> <...
Ferdinand's user avatar
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Nuxt Content: How to render the markdown content?

everyone. I'm a bit confused when following the documentation. Given I have a markdown file: /content/article/ --- title: How to design year: 2023 --- The content of this markdown In my /...
Budi Tanrim's user avatar
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Implementing Dark Mode in Nuxt3 with nuxt-content on ContentRendererMarkdown Component

I'm currently working with Nuxt3 Prime Vue and using the nuxt-content module. My project involves implementing a dark mode feature, specifically for the ContentRendererMarkdown component. However, I'm ...
Daesaeng's user avatar
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How to fetch and transform data with useAsyncData and Nuxt Content?

I'm using Nuxt and Nuxt Content in a project, and i want to display the content of a csv file. According to the documentation, i use the following code: const { data } = await useAsyncData<any | ...
Ferdinand's user avatar
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Trouble with Nuxt Content Module, Vitest, nuxt unit test and Test Setup

I'm encountering issues while trying to set up unit tests for my Nuxt application using the Nuxt Content module and Vitest. Here's a breakdown of my situation: I have a Nuxt application using the Nuxt ...
Makar Vakulenko's user avatar
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NuxtJS 3 Generates draft content

I am developing a blog site based on Nuxt JS content and Markdown. In my post's markdown frontmatter if I specify draft: true it was supposed to generate that post only in development mode according ...
Blackernel's user avatar

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