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Questions tagged [openapi]

The OpenAPI Specification, originally known as the Swagger Specification, is a specification for machine-readable interface files for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful Web services.

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42Crunch conformance scan issue

I have implemented Open API for the first time for my SprinbBoot project. I am stuck with these errors as I don't find documents or solutions anywhere. It would be great if someone could direct me to ...
Manoj's user avatar
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OpenAPI Enums getting mixed up during doc generation

I have an object with multiple properties and enums. In the generated documentation, the latter property also has the enums from the former property why is that? Is there something wrong with my yaml? ...
Michael's user avatar
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How replace OneOf to AnyOf in swagger generation

I have a c# code that generates swagger services.AddSwaggerGen(options => { options.UseOneOfForPolymorphism(); options.SelectDiscriminatorNameUsing(_ => "messageType&...
AGDev's user avatar
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How to use a common data type for a schema in openapi?

I've the following schema defined in my userapi.yaml file: SignupRequest: type: object description: Request model for user registration properties: body: ...
Shreyansh Jain's user avatar
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fastapi : "GET /docs HTTP/1.1" 404 Not Found [closed]

I recently updated fast api from v0.89.1 to v0.110.0 and I am getting the following error. "GET /docs HTTP/1.1" 404 Not Found There is no other error to help me debug the issue. INFO: ...
Tanu's user avatar
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Orika Mapper map abstract tree Object

I have an abstract tree class: public abstract class TreeBase { private String fieldName; private List<TreeBase > treeNodeChildren = new ArrayList<>(); ...
Blue Moon's user avatar
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OpenAPI - Could not resolve reference: Failed to fetch - from json

Swagger Editor throws an error, after searching similar issues, read documentation, googling... i cant get correct result, can you help me please? Thanks Resolver error at paths./
Peter's user avatar
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modifying OpenAPI schema names with Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi

How can I influence the generated names for OpenAPI schemas when using the NuGet package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi 1.5.1? I'm creating an Azure Function using c# and .NET 8. I've set ...
Daniel Schmid's user avatar
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Customize sidebar items with docusaurus-plugin-openapi

I have been trying the Docusaurus OpenAPI plugin for my API documentation. But it is very hard for me to customize it the way I want. For example, how do I change what appears in the sidebar items? ...
joaorodr84's user avatar
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Express js swagger dynamic routes

I have an express application, that I am reading some JSON files and creating the application routes based on those JSON files. Each object of the JSON files, describes the request type, the path, the ...
Pate's user avatar
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How is maxLength/minLength translated by go-gin

I have a simple schema object SerialNumber defined as: SerialNumber: type: object description: | A serial number of an entity. This is a basic string but with length ...
Kay Dee's user avatar
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Unable to set Global Header in Swagger-UI Spring-Boot

I am configuring Swagger UI for my spring boot application and the swagger is up and running fine. Now I need to setup a global header in swagger for all the APIs, made all the changes as given below ...
Deepu's user avatar
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OpenAPI Swagger with kotlin inheritence

How to deal with inheritence with Kotlin for Swagger targetted objects? Just wondering if there is a way to do something like @Schema(description = "Child.") class Child( aName: String ):...
Pipo's user avatar
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Can swagger-codegen generate Python code with explicit type annotations and return value?

I used swagger-codegen and a yaml file as template to generate python API client library. The client lib could be generated successfully with below line command. However, all files of this lib need to ...
Zhou Haibo's user avatar
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Setting parameter rules in OpenAPI

I am starting to learn API documentation with YAML. I have the below YAML and my query params are id, firstName and lastName. The user should provide either id or any of firstName or lastName. If id ...
mason's user avatar
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