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Questions tagged [opencv]

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library for real time computer vision. When using this tag, please add a language specific tag (python, c++, ...), if relevant.

29,489 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using Android Studio's C++ support to build nonfree OpenCV modules

Background Although, older versions of OpenCV (ie 2.4) allow Android projects to utilize `SIFT` functionality, the separation of that functionality into `opencv_contrib` makes the task more difficult;...
Dale's user avatar
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17 votes
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Android unit test for camera preview?

i try to unit test my camera preview image, is it possible to set a static image as "camera image" during testing or should i try implementing my own mock object? I'm looking for something like: ...
user1334817's user avatar
17 votes
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unable to implement descriptors in android

I am creating an application for finding matches between two images. I am not able to properly find match results. Matching methods give me the same number of descriptors as the input keypoints and ...
user1296460's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Unable to get double click event in OpenCV for python

OpenCV with python(MAC OS X EL Capitan) I'm creating a demo project to track mouse events in openCV. using standard mouseCallback from openCV. following is my code for the same. #!/...
Rajendrasinh Parmar's user avatar
13 votes
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using address sanitizer with OpenCV

I'm trying to use Google's Address Sanitizer with a CUDA project, more precisely with OpenCV cuda functions. However I got an 'out of memory' error on the first cuda call. OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (...
Pluc's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Append a frame to an existing video (.avi) file using OpenCV

Is it possible to add (append) new frames to an existing .avi video file using OpenCV, without overwriting the whole file? I am using OpenCV 2.4.2 on Windows 7, with Qt.
Adrian's user avatar
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12 votes
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Digital Numbers on Tesseract OCR

SOLUTION: I've had to train my own data to try it with the OCR. It seems that works well, but I don't know why the trained data from arturaugusto not works for me =(
adlagar's user avatar
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How to integrate OpenCV.js in a React WebApp?

I'm new to Javascript and React. I would like to embed OpenCV.js into a basic React.js web app to build an online client-side document scanner (I already have the image processing pipeline developped ...
fweber's user avatar
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Use OpenCV, cv2.videocapture in Kivy with Android - Python For Android

I have been working for a few days, trying to use cv2.VideoCapture() in python-for-android. I'm using Kivy with buildozer to build apk for Android. Here is my code from import App ...
Vajira Prabuddhaka's user avatar
11 votes
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How can I add a stable marker (solid circle on image)? Which will be at the same position on the next frame of the camera?

I am thinking to add markers on images taken from camera output similar to what the Google PhotoScan application does. As I can see the Google PhotoScan app adds four solid circle on an image which is ...
Sam's user avatar
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Can I remove opencv directory after installation?

I have installed opencv successfully. I guess the library has been put to /usr/loca/lib after installation. The problem is I do not have much space on my disk. So can I remove opencv directory ...
user1794396's user avatar
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ZCA Whitening with opencv and java

I'm trying to implement ZCA Whitening algorithm like shown here: How to implement ZCA Whitening? Python with opencv in Scala (using Java api) but I cannot find the most of the functions used there (...
drstein's user avatar
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Voronoi graph from set of polygons in Emgu CV (or OpenCV)

Using Emgu CV I have extracted a set of closed polygons from the contours in an image of a road network. The polygons represent road outlines. The result is shown below, plotted over an OpenStreetMaps ...
mchristos's user avatar
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OpenCV Stereo Matching/Calibration

I'd initially posted this on the OpenCV forums, but unfortunately, I didn't get too many views/replies so I'm posting here with the hopes that someone might have a direction to please suggest? I am ...
BumblebeeUser89's user avatar
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Does MATLAB use OpenCv CascadeClassifier?

I have a question about CascadeObjectDetector in MATLAB. In source code of CascadeObjectDetector in MATLAB I see: pCascadeClassifier; % OpenCV pCascadeClassifier Then I see: %----------------------...
EgorD's user avatar
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